New Titanic book

I just found a new (at least to me)Titanic book entitled, Last Log of the Titanic, by David Brown, which presents a different theory of what actually happened during her collision with the iceberg, and what the fatal damage actually was. For those who like to hear new ideas on the Titanic disaster, this should prove to be a very interesting book.

Hi Joanne and welcome to ET! I think you'll find that Captain Brown's work is quite thought provoking. I bought my copy last year just after the book was published. We've been discussing it here ever since.

For further reading, check out The Grounding of Titanic by David G. Brown and Parks Stephenson which is available here on ET Research. This is the text of the white paper the two authors presented to the Marine Forensics Panel (SD-7) of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineeers on 31 May 2001.

Michael H. Standart
Hi again!
Since I'm off from work on a disability for a while, I re-re-read Capt. Brown's book and the more times I reread it, the more sense his theory makes.
This point was brought home to me when watching the collision with the iceberg as por-trayed in the CBS miniseries "TITANIC"-- you could
actually see the ship caroming off the berg, as
Capt. Brown describes in his book-- such a col-lision would have thrown more than few people out of their beds, or chairs, or off their feet. Yet
survivors all seem to remark at the relative mildness of the actual shock and tremor that was noted as (I believe) the ship rode up onto the ice shelf.
Just an interesting, if inadvertant illustra-
tion of what Capt. Brown was writing about.
Hi Everyone,
My second book, 'Raised On The Titanic' has now been printed in Brisbane, Australia and will be available in a few weeks time.
My first book, 'I'll See You In New York' has beem re printed with additional information and is available now.
Please e-mail me if at all interested,
Best wishes,
David Haisman
TMIB Any chance you will carry David Haisman's 2 books in your book store Mike? I am a bit perplexed as to how to get a copy in the US.

Re: your comment... Blushing....
Your check is in the mail, Michael.
Hey David,
Would be very interested in getting a copy of your new book--and by the way, I've really enjoyed the CD--played it this afternoon during a long drive to Atlanta thru a thunderstorm. Thanks again!
