News from 1923 Zealandic rescues the crew of Garthsnaid

MAB Note:

MAB Note: The quote from Capt. Roberts, as originally reported, contained a word which may have been acceptable in some circles in 1923, but is no longer appropriate for a forum such as this.

The Argus, Melbourne, 4 April 1923


By the irony of fate the end of the long voyage of the barque Garthsnaid was
almost in sight when she was struck by a storm which lasted for three
terrible days and threatened her destruction. Good seamanship, combined
with good luck and the timely arrival of the steamer Zealandic, saved her.
Coastal reports on Sunday stated that the Garthsnaid was in tow of the
Zealandic, and at 11 o'clock yesterday morning the barque passed through
Port Phillip Heads, in appearance more like a dismantled hulk than the trim
barque which was a familiar sight at Melbourne in September. For three
days the crew, numbering 21, had nothing to eat except weevily biscuits and
tinned beef, and were without sleep.

The Garthsnaid left Iquique in December, and on Friday morning was booming
along about 100 miles east of Gabo, approaching Bass Straits, with lower
topsails set before a freshening easterly breeze. Before nightfall, however,
the breeze had freshened into a gale, which, veering suddenly to the
southward, caught the barque. All hands were called on deck, but the master
(Captain J. Roberts), realising that to send a man aloft was to throw away
his life, did what he could by skilful navigation to avert impending
disaster. With a loud report the main topmast carried away, bringing with it
lines and sheets, which lay in a tangled mass over the port side, tearing
the royal and topgallant yards and mizzen topmast down. The crew, which was
all-British, "worked like n******s" (to quote Captain Roberts, who cannot
say enough for his men), and cast the damaged rigging overboard. Half an
hour afterwards the main lower mast snapped 3ft. from the deck, and lay
straggling over the starboard side. Rolling and pitching helplessly, the
Garthsnaid shipped heavy seas, and movement on deck was hazardous. All
movable deck gear was swept overboard. Large quantities of oil were
released, but still the Garthsnaid lay awash.

With great difficulty, and running under scant canvas, a course was steered
for Gabo, when the long list of mishaps was added to by the snapping of the
fore topgallant mast, which hung down, with its canvas flapping noisily in
the wind. All night the crew worked to clear the wreckage away. An
inspection was made of the holds, which were found to be undamaged and
making no water. Two of the lifeboats were smashed beyond repair, and the
third was severely damaged. With unabated vigour the storm continued all
next day; but the wind began to ease as night came on, and with sighs of
relief Gabo light was sighted at 2 o'clock in the morning. A little later
the lights of a steamer were sighted, and in half an hour the Zealandic was
alongside. She waited until daylight, and then passed a 5in. wire hawser
to the barque, it broke. Four more attempts were made, and at last the
Garthsnaid was secured. After a three-hour struggle the line was made
fast, and the Zealandic set out for Melbourne with the barque in tow.

The Garthsnaid was laden with a cargo worth about £50,000. When she entered
the Heads she signalled for a tug, but probably on account of the salvage,
perhaps because she could not operate her anchor, she was towed to
Williamstown by the Zealandic, which then returned to Geelong. Substantial
salvage money will probably be paid to the Zealandic for her part in the
rescue of the Garthsnaid, the crew of which pay a tribute to their rescuers.
