NZer sending out an SOS

Hello Everyone, For as long as I can remember, my imagination has been captivated by the story of the Titanic. I live in New Zealand and although I have scoured libraries, book stores and the internet, my appetite for information has not been satisfied. I would really appreciate any information of Titanic societies etc. Are there any NZ discussion groups, meetings etc? Are there any like minded NZ Titanic enthusiasts out there? (I would be very happy to talk to anyone actually).
While I can't speak to anything going on in New Zealand, if you click on the links section of this site, you'll find links to several Titanic societies including the Titanic Historical Society, Titanic International and so on. Go to any of these sites and you'll find contact as well as membership information.

Michael H. Standart
Hi Tracey,
I live in New Zealand as well and I have tried to find information relating to Titanic societies,but I have not found any.Your best bet is probably a local Maritime Museum, but they more focus on ships disasters in New Zealand. I will keep searching because if there are any, I will join and keep you posted. There is not much Titanic information in New Zealand,since the Titanic disaster didn't really effect New Zealand in a big way.There are no Titanic survivors in New Zealand. I did find a little bit of information from my years of research. First Officer Murdoch's wife came from New Zealand and the White Star Line did do services with their ships down in New Zealand transporting cargo_One of there ships that did this route was called the "SS Zealandic" .
There has recently been a exhibition that was in Auckland. But I never got to see it since it never arrived to Wellington. I hope this helps.

Regards Nigel Bryant
Thankyou to those who replied to my requests. I appreciate the time that you took to help me. I hope to hear from you in the future. It is nice to know that you are out there. Shelley and Michael, I am on my way to check out those sites you suggested. Nigel, unfortunately I also missed the exhibition and was unaware of the information you provided. Keep me posted! Thankyou, Tracey
There are a few links between New Zealand and the Titanic's officers (unsurprising as most of them served on the run to Australia and a few visited NZ as well). Murdoch's wife, Ada Florence Banks, was from New Zealand. I've also heard that Pitman's wife was from NZ. Harold Lowe had a tremendous affection for the country, and members of his family settled there. There's a marvelous photo of Lowe taken in Poverty Bay while he was serving as Chief Officer of the Gallic, showing the beaming officer with two kingfish he'd caught.

All the best,

Tracey, you're not the only NZ Titanic fan. As far as I know there in no official NZ Titanic club or society. But if you just want someone to talk to about the ship, then write.

Regards, Brad

I know this is slightly not Titanic related but I think Curnard's liner Aquitania visited Wellington in New Zealand in one of the World Wars.

