Olympic Class financing


Hello, all.

I keep reading that J.P. Morgan funded the Olympic Class, but I've never seen a source for this. It comes off as a bit of an assumption that since he owned the WSL, he directly or indirectly funded their day-to-day operations or projects. Is there a source I can access that goes into detail about who funded the project and how?
I do not think that you will find any source for it. It is a popular claim that Morgan paid but actually it was WSL itself.

I think Mark Chirnside wrote something about it.
I do not think that you will find any source for it. It is a popular claim that Morgan paid but actually it was WSL itself.

I think Mark Chirnside wrote something about it.

I'm looking through his work right now. In fact, I hope I could ask you for some advice.

I'm looking to buy 4 books so far.

1) The Sting of the Hawke: Collision in the Solent
2) RMS Titanic Manual: 1909-1912 Olympic Class
3) Olympic, Titanic, Britannic: An Illustrated History Olympic Class Ships
4) The Olympic Class Ships: Olympic, Titanic, Britannic

That's before I even go looking for books about what happened the night Titanic sank. So far, that's over $100 in books. I'm curious if you would know if it's worth the investment. Have you read them?

Also, what historical books would you recommend on the subject of the night Titanic sank, the circumstances regarding the Californian and the repercussions of the event?
So far, that's over $100 in books. I'm curious if you would know if it's worth the investment. Have you read them?

I do not have your no. 2, RMS Titanic Manual so can not say much about it.
I do have no. 1 but haven't come to read it yet. But I do not think you will do anything wrong with it as it is written by people who know. ;)

Regarding No. 3 & 4 I can recommend them as everything Mark Chirnside wrote. And I am not only stating it because I contributed to both books.

Also, what historical books would you recommend on the subject of the night Titanic sank, the circumstances regarding the Californian and the repercussions of the event?

The Californian part is something I lost interest several years ago. From what I know the work of Sam Halpern and Paul Lee are very recommended.
The ' The Sting of the Hawke: Collision in the Solent' is a great book. Quick read, straight to the point. I hope someday Titanic Inquiry Project .org will get the transcripts to the Hawke Vs. Olympic hearings. (I know that's not the real title of the hearings)

As for the Californian I'd recommend:

Titanic and the Mystery Ship by Senan Molony

The Ship That Stood Still: The Californian and Her Mysterious Role in the Titanic Disaster by Leslie Reade and Edward P. De Groot

The Titanic and the Indifferent Stranger: The Complete Story of the Titanic and the Californian by Paul Lee

All three will give you a well rounded look into the controversy from various angles.
I just found out about this very expensive book that is broken into two volumes. Titanic: The Ship Magnificent. Any opinions on that?
I've checked out the first vol. via the library. Amazing to say the least. I've purchased the books, but they are out of print. They said more will be out by Oct. this year (updated also), so more than a year after I paid for them. You can buy the limited leather bound addition NOW, but its about $400 US money, and its not the updated version.
I tired to buy one, but it won't ship to Canada for some reason.

What books would you recommend for a full history of the White Star Line?

Also, I think the thread title is now misleading. I've deviated so far from what it was originally about.
The two best histories of the line itself are Oldham's The Ismay Line and Anderson's White Star. Both, though, are long out of print and tend to be kinda pricey.

de Kerbrech's Ships of the White Star Line is an excellent collection of biographies of all of White Star's ship.

Louden-Brown's Illustrated History is less comprehensive in terms of its coverage of the line's ships but is magnificently illustrated and worthwhile for that reason alone.
I've deviated so far from what it was originally about.
Don't worry. That happens sometimes.