Olympic, Titanic & Britannic: An Issue of Finance

Encyclopedia Titanica

Philip Hind
Staff member

One remarkable statistic is that the cost of building the three ‘Olympic’ class ships was more in cash terms than the value of the entire White Star Line fleet as at September 1908. That month the company’s twentythree ships were worth £4850000. Olympic and her sisters comfortably exceeded that. On 1 August 1907 an agreed schedule of ‘instalments due’ was confirmed for Olympic and Titanic... Titanica! Wed, 13 Jan 2021
If one looks at the article Olympic, Titanic & Britannic finance. Mark has done an excellent research into the finance issues. To the point I wander if he works on the the stock exchange! Further finance for the three Olympic class ships can be found in Marks excellent book OLYMPIC TITANIC BRITANNIC. Where near the end of the book can be found of the financial arrangement made to pay for ships through a Mortgage Debentures schemes. Where money was raise by banks in London and was well supported by investors. So the finance was not the problem. Delivery date for Titanic was the problem?
Excellent article as always.

Looking at the dates listed in the 'Particulars of Completed Ships' and the document held in the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland, the document held in the Public Record's Office lists all of the five 'pay dates' (Keel laid, Frame to Height of DB, Hull Plate complete, and Delivered date). Meanwhile the 'Particulars of Completed Ships' only has the 'keel laid' and 'Launch' days. Don't know if this equates to anything but I found it interesting.
Excellent article as always.

Looking at the dates listed in the 'Particulars of Completed Ships' and the document held in the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland, the document held in the Public Record's Office lists all of the five 'pay dates' (Keel laid, Frame to Height of DB, Hull Plate complete, and Delivered date). Meanwhile the 'Particulars of Completed Ships' only has the 'keel laid' and 'Launch' days. Don't know if this equates to anything but I found it interesting.
Hi B-rad.
Did the public Record Office give any dates for the five payment dates and the completed date to? If so can you please give them.
I am writing a new article, and was wondering where the date form this line, "1 August 1907, an agreed schedule of ‘instalments due’ was confirmed for Olympic and Titanic," is from and what was the exact wording from the source. Not questioning its authenticity, but that date and wording could have some impact on my paper. - Thanks! :)