Owen George Allum

I bring a story about him, as I do not think it has been written much about him before.
It is from A history of Clewer, Windsor,Berkshire,
The churchyard "Here lies" a selection of some of the interesting people buried in the church and churchyard at Clewer. http://home.clara.net /iainkeer/clewer/booklets/churchyard.htm
Hermann Soeldner has got Mr. Owen in his book, but he has not got the date of his birth. Probably they have it at the churchyard office.
Here is a bit of the story: "The old Churchyard of Clewer has witnessed many strange and touching scenes during the long roll of centuries that has borne the destignation of "Gods Acre" still perhaps never one so unusual or patethic as that which occurred on Wednesday, when the ocean-laved remains of a Clewer laddie, rescued from the surging billows of the Atlantic, were laid to rest in that quiet and peaceful burial ground. His was one of the bodies recovered by the "Bennett McKay" and taken ashore where his father, who had awaited a living son, could identify his and claim his dead body. The beautiful burial service was held May 25 1912.
The grave where Owen and his sister are buried is a stone crosson steps, and it may be found beside the path which leads round the north side of the Church. The inscription about Owens death on the Titanic is on the step at the back of the memorial."
Have any of you seen that memorial?
I was wondering where I might find a picture of this man? (not a death picture) but a portrait? I am curious what he looked like. I've found info on him but no photos. If anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be great, THANKS! ^_^
Sorry I havent got a photo of young Allum but here is some additional information that might be of interest:
Allum, Mr. Owen George. Lived at 22 Oswald Road, Southall. London
(From: Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet, March 1913)
Number 298. Allum, parents. Grant £20.
Body recovered number 259. Male. estimated age, 17, Hair, dark. Clothing: grey tweed suit. Effects:- Gun metal watch and chain, hair brush; 2 knives; cigarette case; pocketbook. Third Class ticket number 1223. Name Edward George Allum, 7 Gerald Villas, Vansittart Road, Windsor, Berkshire.
Body forwarded to Boston, to connect with SS Arabic to Liverpool May 7th, 1912. Permit issued May 2nd, 1912, to Windsor, England.
(From The Emergency and Relief booklet by the American Red Cross, 1913).
Case number 13. (English). A boy, seventeen years of age, coming to join his father and work with him as a gardener, was lost. His mother, 46 years of age, and another son, 23, and a daughter 14, were in England. The mother was completely broken down by grief and shock, and her husband decided to return to England with the body of his son, which had been recovered. This Committee gave $200 for funeral expenses. ($200).
Insurance claim number B189. Property: $171.

He is remembered in a well looked after plot in the churchyard of Clewer, near Windsor, Berkshire. The inscription reads:
Here Rest In Christ
Owen George Allum
Shipwrecked on the Titanic and Drowned At Sea
April 14th, 1912, Aged 17 years.
Nearer My God To Thee
(From the Atlantic Daily Bulletin, Winter 1989)
By Brian J. Ticehurst
I was sent the above cutting in July and asked to check it out.
This proved to be not an easy task but my sister eventually made the breakthrough and we found ourselves at Clewer, Berkshire.
Clewer is now a district of Windsor and is quite near Royal Windsor Racecourse.
The 17-year- old boys name was OWEN GEORGE ALLUM, and as can been seen from the photograph the grave has been desecrated in that the cross has been pushed off its plinth.
It has been suggested that we try to get the cross replaced and the grave generally cleaned up, £15 has already been donated and more has been promised and therefore ask that if any other members would like to contribute I will be very grateful. I do promise a picture of the grave when it is restored.

I think the following from ''Beneath This Stone'' A booklet about Clewer Churchyard tells, the story perfectly.

OWEN GEORGE ALLUM was a passenger on the "unsinkable" White Star Liner, Titanic which struck an ice berg and sank on her maiden voyage. Owen Allum was one of the 1,489 whose lives were lost.
He had lived at Gerald Villas, Vansittart Road, Windsor, and worked at the Windsor General Post Office as a telegraph boy. He was on his way to join his father (who, it is said, was separated from his mother) in New York.
(From: Windsor, Eton & Slough Express; Berks, Bucks, Surrey & Middlesex Journal; Ascot & District Advertiser - May 25, 1912)
The account of the funeral follows:-
''The old churchyard of Clewer has witnessed many strange and touching scenes during the long roll of centuries that is has borne the designation of "God's Acre", still, perhaps never one so unusual or pathetic as that which occurred on Wednesday, when the ocean-laved remains of a Clewer laddie, rescued from the surging billows of the Atlantic, were laid to rest in that quiet and peaceful burial ground. Owen George Allum was 17 years old and was a Clewer St. Stephen Old Boy. His was one of the bodies afterwards recovered by the SS Mackay Bennett and taken ashore where his father, who had awaited a living son, could only identify and claim his dead body. The steamship company offered to convey the remains back to England. Mr. Allum therefore decided to leave his position in the States and accompany his son's body back to Clewer, so that it might rest beside that of a little sister. The beautiful burial service was impressively read by the Reverend G. Budibent (Curate at Clewer) and the solemnity of the scene was further increased by the felt stillness of the hundreds of people surrounding.''
The report is dated May 25th, 1912.
An oral tradition says that the boy's parents did not speak to each other at the funeral!

I hope that helps?
best regards

Brian J. Ticehurst - Southampton UK.
Hello Brian!

This is all very interesting information, I really appreciate it! I will forward this to my aunt who does geneology research. Thanks again for the info!
