Pacific Aircraft RMS Titanic model

I just purchased this model from a company called Pacific Aircraft. It was quite expensive, but I'd been looking for a detailed large model for some time and finally decided to splurge. (Unfortunately, I do not possess the talent or patience to make one for myself!)

This is a 30" mahogany model. They did a very nice job, though I'm sure the eagle eyes here would detect errors upon close inspection! However, I am quite pleased with it. I've been staring at it all night. If anyone would like to see more pictures, I can post some, but I didn't want to inundate the board with photos if there isn't any interest.

Now, I just need to find a case to put it in!
I hope you didn't have to take up doing contract assassinations for the Mafia to afford that thing.
Beautiful model though. On the matter of the local Eagle eyes spotting things wrong...well...yes we can, but then no model is ever perfect. I don't know where you can get a glass case for it, but if there's a hobby shop around, you might ring them up or drop by to see if they have something.
Hi Michael. Thanks. Ha! No question. I wouldn't ever tell anyone who is not a Titanic enthusiast how much I paid for it! Even some of you would cringe.
Beautiful model, Lori--I can see why you stared at it all night! Many of us have "splurged" on things Titanic that made our friends and families just smile and shake their heads. Hey, all that matters is that you're happy with it.

BTW, welcome to the board! I recently signed up myself, although I've read the postings here for quite awhile and have met a few of the regulars (including Michael, the "curmudgeon"!). There's so much offered here from so many knowledgeable people--it's almost like attending "Titanic University"!

>>I wouldn't ever tell anyone who is not a Titanic enthusiast how much I paid for it! Even some of you would cringe.<<

Since the beast was carved out of *mahogany,* I'm already cringing. Hand made models like that ain't cheap. Hope you didn't have to mortgage the arm leg and first born (If any) to pay for it.
I've seen hand carved models of aircraft that went for a couple of hundred dollars. A ship model can easily break a thousand.
Michael knows his models! This one cost me $750 on eBay. The Pacific Aircraft website indicates it was originally priced at $1500. I have no idea if they ever actually sold any at that price, though.

Fortunately, I was not forced to give up any limbs or (anybody else's) children! I'd been saving up for some time to do this, but I probably spent more than I expected I would.

The Franklin Mint model is $1200 and is a smaller scale. I have only seen one picture of that one so I don't know if it is more detailed or accurate than the Pacific Aircraft effort. Both are gorgeous to my eyes, though.
The Franklin Mint usually puts out a quality model of just about anything they offer. They may not be perfect, but they do make a decent effort. You should have seen one that was discussed on the Titanic Research and Modeling Association message board that I saw a few years ago. It looked like the effort of a child and not an especially skilled one at that, but the ones offering it still wanted a grand for it.

They would have had to pay me that much to take it.
Yes, in my search, I ran across more than a few that only resemble the Titanic in that they have four funnels.

I have been looking at some of the models discussed here at ET made by members, and they are absolutely amazing! Such talented folks.
That's a terrific model, Lori. While it's way out of my league price-wise, I'm sure it was worth every penny.

On a side note, I have a friend named Lori Coleman who recently went away to college. We're both from VA also, and when I saw your name it caught my eye. I thought maybe some of my interest in liners might have rubbed off on her, but I guess not (lol).
Thank you Brandon.

No, I'm long out of college, I'm afraid. Ha! Very interesting coincidence, though.

As for the model, the more I look at it, the more I find little mistakes. Some of the colors are off, there are no whistles, the bow is not quite right, etc. But as Michael said, there is no perfect Titanic there?