Passenger Manifests


I'm going to state right away that I know without a doubt that Titanic and Olympic were NOT switched.
I just wanted to post this photo of the recapitulation sheet from the passenger manifests from Queenstown, as it is odd how Olympic was scratched out and Titanic written in it's place. Dates are correct so it's weird to see this.
Any thoughts as to why or how this could have happened?
I have read that there was a coal shortage at the time (due to a strike I believe). This caused all of the passengers (and coal) to be transferred to Titanic as the owners were keen for the maiden voyage to go ahead...
I have read that there was a coal shortage at the time (due to a strike I believe).
There was a national coal strike from the 28th of February to the 6th of April 1912 which caused a lot of ships to be laid up, which includes the SS St Paul, SS St Louis, SS Philadelphia, RMS Majestic, SS New York and the RMS Oceanic.
This caused all of the passengers (and coal) to be transferred to Titanic as the owners were keen for the maiden voyage to go ahead...
The passengers, and even crewmembers, that were meant to sail on the ships named above, all of the ships were owned by companies that were part of the International Mercantile Marine Company, of which Mr. Ismay was it's president of since 1904. It was a matter of economics with the mind-set: "Why would we have so many smaller ships sailing that would use up more Welsh coal than one larger ship that could carry more passengers and would use less coal?"