Percy Wake

Percy Wake was related to my husband, I have been unable to find details of his widow May's death, death certificate or where she is buried. I wondered if you can offer any help as it is stated she never remarried and she died in Southampton 1923. I understand the son Charles also went to sea as a baker but again I have not been able to find out much information.
Percy Wake was related to my husband, I have been unable to find details of his widow May's death, death certificate or where she is buried. I wondered if you can offer any help as it is stated she never remarried and she died in Southampton 1923. I understand the son Charles also went to sea as a baker but again I have not been able to find out much information.
Hello I’m also related to Percy so Charles Alexander wake was his uncle who happens to be my great great grandfather so Charles’s daughter Florence was my great grandmother from England she used to tell my mom stories when she was little how they grew up
Percy Wake was related to my husband, I have been unable to find details of his widow May's death, death certificate or where she is buried.
There are no details available online for May Wake (nee Legge) but there are details of a small memorial in Southampton Old Cemetery for Percy Wake himself on Find-a-Grave UK. Perhaps you could try e-mailing one of the site managers on that page.
Hello I’m also related to Percy so Charles Alexander wake was his uncle who happens to be my great great grandfather so Charles’s daughter Florence was my great grandmother from England she used to tell my mom stories when she was little how they grew up
I am wondering if you have any further information you can offer about Percy Wake and his widow May Alice Wake also their son Charles Benjamin Wake who I understand followed Percy as a breadmaker. Do you have any photos of Percy that you can share? Any information would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
There are no details available online for May Wake (nee Legge) but there are details of a small memorial in Southampton Old Cemetery for Percy Wake himself on Find-a-Grave UK. Perhaps you could try e-mailing one of the site managers on that page.
Thank you. I have visited the small memorial to Percy Wake in Southampton Old Cemetery, the memorial stone also includes Percy's two children that died very young. Percy's widow I cannot find out what happened to her, only that she received payments from the Titanic relief fund, records are kept at Southampton Archives.