Queen Mary 2 models

It may be too early, but have any companies produced any miniature models of the QM2?
Id love to have a model of her in my Titanic library..


tarn Stephanos
Hi Tarn,

Not that I've heard of.

Although, I wouldn't be surprised to see one in the coming months.

Best regards,

A few days ago, I picked up the latest issue of Cruise Travel and inside is an advertisement on ocean liner models for sale, including Queen Mary 2.

Their website is www.maritimereplicas.com which according to the ad, has a detailed photo gallery. I just went on the site, but it's not up yet. So, the best bet if anyone wants more info, is to e-mail them at replicas@maritimereplicas.com, for the time being.

A photo of the QM2 is included with the ad and from looking at the photo, it appears to be very detailed, so I plan on purchasing one in the future.
UPDATE: The website that I posted above is now accepting orders and the QM2 model is an authorized model by Cunard. They state that their models are premium quality museum standard. Plus, they have many other ship models on there as well, including Titanic.

The models are incredibly detailed, so the website is well worth a look.
Revell has just come out with a super detailed QM2 kit in 1:400 scale that is 33.5 inches overall/ go to Revell page for super details or THS which has the model in stock/
NOW BIG Question. I would love to find someone in Massachusetts to build one for me for $$$ of course. My hands and eyes not steady enough. SO PLEEEEEZE some interested party contact me direct at jonships@prodigy.net THNKS MUCHLY. NOW I am going to try to post a picture of the finished model for you. Fingers Crossed??
Cheers Jon Hollis
I saw this model up close a few weeks ago, in a local model shop. It looks very detailed and it's a lot less than the model, I referred to in my last post above.

I'll definitely be purchasing this model at some point.
> [So Jason. How did you like it? Does it look as good as the pictures? What did you really like about it. THS says it can be radio controlled not that I would but never saw that option in a plastic kit especially when the ship is propelled by PODS. So what is your geographical location?Feel like building TWO? Still trying to find someone local in MASS to buid it. Any clues? ANYONE???? Revell I think also did a QE2 some years ago do you recall if it was the same scale? Cheers Jon Hollis]

It appears to be an excellent model, but it's hard for me to say as I only saw the cover of the box. I don't see how it could be radio controlled for the reason that you state, plus I don't recall seeing that on the packaging.

I'm in Toronto and I don't have any room at the moment to build even one model.

Yes, I have seen the QE2 model that Revell put out, but I don't believe it was the same scale, although I could be wrong.
> [Bob G, Wow Whoopeeeee etc etc what a great link THANK, Model looks GREAT Thanks again. Jason Thank you also. Now to find a builder...Cheers Jon Hollis]
Thank you for that link, Bob. It helps a lot in the actual appearance of the model. I still plan on purchasing the model from Maritime Replicas, even if I purchase this one.


You're welcome. All the best in your search for a builder.
Can't find the post but Michael Standart wrote he was not impressed with Revell models. Let me say this, of course they are not up to standards like Maritime Replicas but they are great models at a comfortable price. As far as details let me tell you this. I worked for Revell as an inspector and product development years ago. True story that one of our models was so detailed and so authentic that the Government stepped in and had up pull it off the shelves, retool the mold and sell it to another company. That was th model of the Nuclear Submarine "George Washington." There were other models that had to be re tooled that got officials concerned also. Another case in point was when we first developed the 3 color mold for "Impco" Injection molding machines (monsters), our first kit was the "Cutty Sark." That mold had to be sent back to Germany to be re tooled as the tiny tiny rivets that held the copper plates on the hull below the water line were in scale too large. Now that is authentic. In fact that was Revells logo "Authentic Kits." Even our HO railroad stuff was quite the thing especially the Farmyard set complete with an out- house with detailed interior including the telephone book for.....
So mike your welcome to your opinion and I will admit not all of our models were perfect but the majority are well done and well worth the price. Cheers Best wishes to all. So who has purchased the QM2 model and started construction???
Cheers again Jon