Question about blueprints


I'm new to this forum and would like to ask a question about some blueprints, I've already posted this question in another area but I
thought it would be best to post it in the
correct area.

My question is in regards to the general arrangement plan from

If you examine the plan between the 2nd and 3rd funnels you can notice that the join of the two halves appears to be off centre just aft of the compass on the boat deck all the way down to the keel. Can anybody else confirm this ? It appears that 2 halves of the general arrangement plan were scanned and then joined carelessly.

I plan on buying some accurate and detailed blueprints, I want to build a 3D model to get a feel for the ship first before I start working on a physical model and follow Jürgen Kliewe's instructions on drawing the hull lines as I would prefer to do this myself.

The H&W plans are too expensive but I am seriosuly considering purchashing the NARA and Robert Hahn's plans, can anybody comment on how these compare to the H&W plans ?

If you're building any kind of model your main interest will be the external details and dimensions, and the Robert Hahn plans are ideal for this purpose. For information on the internal deck layouts, the TRMA plans by Bruce Beveridge (see Dave's link above) are the best available, but you don't need these unless you plan to model the interior.
Ideally, Samuel, you should decide now what scale you want to work with for the physical model and buy the plans to match. For best results you need to be able to check your components by offering them up to the plan.
Does anyone know the source of the plans mentioned at the beginning of this thread?

I am trying to find copyright-free deck plans and may be willing to compromise on accuracy if I am free to publish them without restrictions.