Ralph Wells

Remember Ralph Wells. To day it is 30 years since he died in Akron, OH.
The present owner of the house Raplh lived in in 1972 kindly sent me pictures of the house. Not only that, he also wrote about his house and the area:
"Enclosed is picture of 3 unit building Mr. Wells lived in 2nd. floor. The neighbourhood in the 605 + 705 was nice middle class working neighbourhood".
He even later sent me "street" pictures and apartment pictures of his house.
hi arne i just rec the letter this morning and had to come into here for your address as i lost in emails clean up also thanks for the pic of house thats great and really appreciated , i am related to ralphs father arthur who is my great grand fathers brother and i will now put him and hes family into my tree which im doing and hopefully some one in america might see and get in touch as i would love to hear from the lady iris stacey who is a wells .thank you again and hope to still hear from you bye laraine x