Rare Titanic book Das Ende Der Titanic 1912 German

I have a very rare Titanic book from 1912. It is printed in German and is titled Das Ende Der Titanic. It is by Russell and and seems to be quite rare. a google search lets me find only two others in existence in private collections. Does anyone have any information on this book? Does anyone know an approximate value?
Hello Gary,

Welcome aboard. I don't have information on this book, but since it's quite rare it would be worth a fair bit. However, the condition of the book must also be taken into account. It would help us if you could post photos.
Hi Yes I will get some pictures up soon. It is in what I would call pretty nice condition. I have seen a picture of only one on the web and mine is in better condition than that one. I will only be posting pictures on this site as I am trying not to handle this book any more than I have to. Thank you for your interest.








I purchased the book at an estate auction about 15 years ago. I knew some of the family members and with a little research I could probably trace it's origin. I'm expecting to find it was brought to America 1n the early 1900's when the family arrived here. I purchased it with a quantity of other German books.
This is the German version of the memorial book "Sinking of the Titanic" so there is nothing new information included. It was printed in the US for the German speaking people. (It was not available in Germany.)
I haven't finished my research on the history of this book. While it may be true that this book was "not available in Germany" I am still not sure that it wasn't brought to the U.S. from Germany. It could have been mailed to Germany. Are you sure that no editions of this book were sent to Germany by the publisher? I have not been able to confirm that.
Are you sure that no editions of this book were sent to Germany by the publisher? I have not been able to confirm that.

From the publisher, no. It was printed in the US for the German speaking folk (which partly was having also newspapers in German language). Here in Germany this book was not available It could have been mailed by a family member to family or friends in Germany. We had other memorial books, at last two which contains the story of German survivors. In fact they were both impostors.
I should mention that this book, as the English version "Sinking of the Titanic" as the other memorian book "The sinking of the Titanic and great sea disasters" were books which were mainly sold by trades going from door to door.
It would be very interesting to see the English-language version of this book, to compare what was considered factual at the time with what is considered factual today. Does the book exist in any online editions, since its publication date renders it public domain today?
Thank you. I also recently acquired a hardback book by the same title "Das Ende Der Titanic" It has Library stamping in it. One is Fort Lincoln as I recall. I'll post more after I check it out further. As a side note I was stationed in Germany in 1975-1977. You have a very clean country.
I also have an edition of "DAS ENDE DER TITANIC" 1912 in paperback that is missing cover and lots of pages. If anyone wants a text page of this book for their collection I decided that I will sell and send one for 9.99 which includes all shipping costs. If interested email at [email protected]