Relics of Lillian Asplund found in Shoebox

I found some site that said after Lillian Asplund's death, a shoebox was found in her home wihch contained personal belongings of her father, Carl, and the rest of the family, including wedding rings, a ticket for the Titanic, and a photo of Selma, Lillian and Felix at their father's grave in 1912. There was also a tinted photograph of a girl with very long, very curly brownish hair, an immense hair bow, and a lacy dress. The site says it is Lillian Asplund but it looks nothing like the pictures I've seen of her, except for the slightly round face. Has anyone else seen this interesting site? I would copy the address but I can't remember it. If so, does anyone know if the girl in the picture is really Miss Asplund??
I showed my mom the mysterious picture of Lillian Asplund and asked her to compare it with the picture of her in Women and Children First, and my mom said that, without a doubt, the girl in the two pictures was one and the same. Here is the website if anyone wants it: If it doesn't work, just go to Google Images and type in Lillian Asplund - shoebox. It is a very lovely picture of Lillian in her youth. I'm not good with estimating ages but I would say she is about six to nine years old in the picture (???)




Three of those are from the "box" and the one with Carl's grave is one i found.
I understand that the items that Holly Peterson mentioned as found in a shoebox after Lillian Asplund's death were auctioned off in UK at exorbitant prices. I'm looking for the source of Andrew Aldridge' article on the subject.
Google and ye shall find

Addendum: That link is not a direct link to the press release, detailing the results of the auction. To view the press release, click on the 'Press Release Archive' and then scroll down to 'Titanic Sale April 19th Press Release'.