Remains of the Bridge

In Ghosts of the Abyss, we see several images of the remains of the ship's bridge. I am wondering about some of the items I think I see in those images.

I think I see an old flower bouquet.
I am pretty sure I see several plaques.
But I'm not sure what those white, round things are, that are seen attached to a wire and floating just forward of the telemotor.

What are those round things?

And just what is behind that bulkhead seen aft of the telemotor?

there is a remnant of a flower bouquet - roses - left by another expedition. The white disks near the telemotor are, I believe, ID tags of some sort - bacteria experiments? The memory is bad, here...

Isn't the shaft to the forward funnel's trunk vent behind that bulkhead?
The funnel shaft should be behind the fan rooms and vent shafts I think. But in the picture of the telemotor seen from the front looking aft, I can see what seem to be windows on the bulkhead behind the wheelhouse. Square windows.

Maybe these aren't windows but openings for air to enter the corridors behind the wheelhouse? I wish I knew.
