Report into the Loss of the SS Titanic: a Centennial reaprisal

I saw this book on Samuel Halpern's website and it says it's due to be released in November. The list of authors that collaborated on it is impressive, Halpern's, Beveridge, Hall, Behe. No doubt it is a must have. I am wondering where I can pre-order it from. I checked all the book sites as well as the publishers site but could not find it anywhere. Can anyone help me out here, I really want this book!
>>I am wondering where I can pre-order it from. <<

If you can find out, let us know. With the cast of characters you mentioned behind the project, it's bound to be a must have for any serious Titanic researcher.
I found it!
It can be pre-ordered on It is listed at 17 pounds (I hope that's right, I'm from the U.S.) For those of us here in the States, just has the option to be put on a list for notification of when the book is available. I found the ISBN for it as well, it is 978-0-7524-6210-3. No luck finding it elsewhere but its a start.
This work is due out in mid-April but Amazon is already taking pre-orders. Given that it's written by a veritable varsity team of top Titanic researchers, this is going to be a definate "Must Have" for the serious researcher, historian and enthusiast.

Information at
Mike, the book went to the printers last Friday. All going well it should be available via Amazon UK late November. You'll have to order it through the UK site if you want it before Christmas.


What began as a collaborative undertaking by a group of researchers from all parts of the world in 2010 has culminated into a new book, Report Into the Loss of the SS Titanic — A Centennial Reappraisal, The History Press, 2011. The book is the result of many years spent researching, evaluating and analyzing the wealth of evidence that has come to light in the hundred years since 1912. This 400 page book, written by eleven co-authors, follows the basic layout of the 1912 Wreck Commission report into loss of Titanic, providing fascinating insights into the ship itself, the American and British inquiries, the passengers and crew, the fateful journey and ice warnings received, the collision, damage and sinking, taking to the boats and rescue by Carpathia, the circumstances in connection with the SS Californian and SS Mount Temple, and the ramifications that followed the disaster.

It is extensively referenced with 830 separate endnotes, contains 127 photos and illustrations, as well as numerous tables. The 10 appendices contain a wealth of information including the name of every crewmember by department who was on board for the transatlantic crossing (including the capacity they held), and the name of every transatlantic passenger who was on board by passenger class. It has an extensively detailed and fully referenced chronology with 245 separate time entries starting from the morning of 10 April 1912 to the evening of 15 April 1912.
>>You'll have to order it through the UK site if you want it before Christmas.<<

I ordered it through the U.S. site so it looks like I'll have to wait a spell. Not a massively big deal really and I know it'll be well worth it. Far better then the avalanche of other titles you know will be coming out for the centennial which will simply regurgitate all the myths.
The footage on the site of Titanic isn't permanent. It will be replaced soon with a video clip of one of the co-authors talking about the book.
The Loss Of The SS Titanic, A Centennial Reappraisal by Samuel Halpern, Bill Wormstedt, Bruce Beveridge, Steve Hall, Captain Charles Weeks, Dave Gittins, George Behe, Mark Chirnside, Lester Mitcham, Tad Fitch & Cathy Akers-Jordan; Foreword J. Kent Layton.


I wonder which co-author it will be ?
Just finished reading this book and all I can say is WOW! I'm a bit mystified that there has not been any discussion about it on the boards here yet. Has anyone else picked up a copy yet?

As one of the authors, would you believe that I have not received my copies of the printed book yet? I know that the book had been printed in late November, and is now in the distribution process. How did you get it so fast?
Hi Samuel,

I pre- ordered your book from the vey first day that amazon allowed it. I think that was sometime in early October. They shipped it out on Thanksgiving Day and I received it here in Michigan the following Monday. I was quie surprised at how fast it was shipped across the pond.
Well Matthew, as it turned out, I posted this morning about not receiving my own copies of the book, and somebody in the USPS must have took note. Late this afternoon they finally arrived across the little pond; i.e., the one separating northern IL from MI.

Thanks for the kind words Kent. We're all very proud about the accomplishment. It should make a great companion to one that you folks are coming out with.
Looks like those of us who have to depend on Amazon may have to wait a spell. No matter, if what I'm seeing here is any indication, it's going to be one of the "Must haves" and I'm looking forward to it.
this will likely prove to be (in my opinion) the best Titanic book published in the last decade; a book I also see being made into a feature documentary . . ., it's that good.