Richard Frazar White

If anyone has any stories, anecdotes, or information on this young man who is often an overlooked first-class passenger, please send me a message privately or post it here. Without knowing its history, I purchased a home that once belonged to his family on their former estate. Both Richard and his father were fatalities on the ship, though Richard's body was recovered and he is buried about a mile from where he was born. Thanks for any and all responses.
Biography on Richard Frazar White is now complete and available for interested readers. Was that Richard sitting in the first-class reading room when Father Browne took a photograph on the Titanic? Richard's father also met Father Browne outside the reading room on deck and had his photograph taken. For years this picture was misidentified. Family members now confirm the identification in TALES OF A TITANIC FAMILY.
I received William Russo's book Tales Of A Titanic Family a few days ago. Even a preliminary scan of the book showed that this is full of the sort of the information I was after about Percival & Richard White, my favourite passengers of the Titanic. It explores their family set-up, their known Titanic experiences and so on. The latter is mainly through reports of survivors Elizabeth and Mary Lines as well as Gertrude "Jean" Hippach since both men died in the disaster. But most importantly, it throws light upon the personalities of the two men, father and son. Reading about them, one gets the odd feeling that they were born at least 50 years too early - there is almost a contemporary feel about them.

Highly recommended.
Thanks Michael. Yes, I am very interested in the Whites of the Titanic and as mentioned in the opevious post above, enjoyed reading Russo's book about them. I would therefore be very grateful if you could share any information about them either in this thread or as PM.