Robert Arthur Wareham

Robert Wareham was my great grandfather. His daughter Ethel was my grandmother. Ethel had one daughter (Margaret) my mother, (died 5 March 2007).
My brother's first name is Robert as is his son's.
Hi Gary, I realise this is an old Post but I would love to chat with you. I was born 2 miles from the Park rd address in Southampton. I would like to know more about your great grandfather and you and his family. Regards Chris
Hi Chris, I have only just read your post. What would you like to know? So far as I know Robert's Grandaughter Carol (Cyril Wareham's daughter) still lives in Southampton. The descendants of Robert Arthur junior who was killed during WWII live in New Zealand and I believe the Nottingham area. I am not in touch with any of them. Some years ago I caught the end of a TV programme about Freemasons and Robert Arthur was featured as his masonic watch chain was apparently recovered.
I recall reading somewhere that at some stage after the Titanic had collided with the iceberg Edith Rosenbaum (later Russell) made a slightly mocking remark to Steward Wareham about what she thought of "rigid" British rules or something. Since Wareham himself did not survive the disaster, that statement must have come from Rosenbaum herself.

PS: I think it was in Jonathan Mayo's Titanic: Minute by Minute but at present I have no way to check.
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Hi Gary, just found this thread so apologies somewhat late (!) and hope that you may pick this up. I am wondering if you are able to advise if Robert Wareham has / had any descendants who live / lived at Hedge End near Botley, which is only about 7 miles from Park Road, Southampton where Robert lived? I note that you stated in 2019 that Cyril Wareham's daughter Carol was still living in Southampton and I believe that Hedge End is classed postally as Southampton, so wondering if there is a connection there? Kind regards, Chris.