ROV Safety Measure


I know that NAUTILE's "Robin" is equipped with a severing device. One of Commander Nargeolet's prime concerns during his internal search of TITANIC's wreck was fear of "Robin" becoming trapped..."So deep inside the wreck" (SEE: Explorers video, A. Lindsy) As a pre-caution, Yann Houard, "Robin's" caretaker, devised the cable severing device.

Were the MIRS remote operated vehicles, during Cameron's '01 visit equipped with a similar design?

However NAUTILE's right (left is of a nimble, dexterity design) manipulator arm is capable of crushing steel, and used primarily for securing the submersible to a firm area of the wreck, while "Robin" is being deployed, it does not have severing capabilities.

Michael A. Cundiff
Michael, the Cameron ROVs had a unique design, if my information is correct. The ROV was tethered with a fiber optic cable, but was uniquely autonomous as well. That way, if in trouble, the ROV could break loose of the tether and could operate for a limited time in order to navigate out. The tether would respool at the MIR.

I'm sure the MIR's manipulator could sever the tether if necessary, freeing up the submersible if the tether became entangled.

Bill...I should have figured that if a CAMERON were involved that an ingenious method of *escape* for the R.O.V. was conceived. If you do not mind my asking...did Michael Cameron borrow any ideas from that of your "T-REX" invention?
I want to inform you that I too felt in your dissapointment during the '98 Expedition when your "TITANIC RESEARCH EXPLORER" was plagued with problems. Thank You for attempting to make that first step Bill :)

During a segment of the "Explorers of the TITANIC" video, G.Tulloch, P.H., and Dick Barton are considering an attempt to send ROBIN deep inside the wreck, and however P.H. would ultimately comply, I recall his grave concern over trapping the NAUTILE attempting this endeavor. Nargeolet spoke, "...and it can be dangerous for the NAUTILE if the ROBIN were to become trapped ever so deep inside the wreck".

I recall a N'atl Geo special which segmented the
MIR's being hired to explore underwater volcanoes. Upon an ascent, as you are aware a skin diver is deployed from the KELDYSH, aboard a ZODIAC rubber dingy craft. On this particular ascent the diver battled ocean swells for *two-hours* before he alas secured the MIR to it's umbilcal cord...(KELDYSH's crane). Then it was off to secure the other MIR :-(
That gentlemans got alot of heart!

So often in the past I have seen this labeling of the Russians..."RUSSSIAN COWBOYS", no doubt attributed to their aggresivneess with the MIR submersibles. Yet on the otherhand they remain the only nation to operate twin submersibles, which always dive in tandem...

...and I can only praise them for that!

G'Night Bill,

Michael A. Cundiff