ROVs - Was Human Remains


I thought it might be nice to ease the tension.
The last contribtution in regards to "Human Remains" was by Mr. Standart and mentioned the R.O.V. and it's advantage of exploring the more confining areas, as opposed to the deep-sea submersible. And Michael's mention of the *less risk* probability.

I recall the History Channel exclusive "Titanic 90 yrs. below" interview with Martin Bowen. There was a frantic moment in 1986 whereby "J.J." (ALVIN's R.O.V.) became entangled. Dr. Ballard and the WHOI sub pilot were unnerved, all the while Bowen maintained his composure and after a spat, freed the "swimming eyeball". At this particular time in 1986 I am certain there was no severing device fitted to ALVIN or the R.O.V.

I do know that NAUTILE's R.O.V., "ROBIN" is equipped with a tether severing method, designed by her caretaker IFREMER'S Yann Houard. However, it has never been applied so therefore not trusted technology.

Also, I recall during the Discovery Channel *live* telecast fom the TITANIC wreck-site, there was great concern on keeping the *fiber-optic* cable (towed the 2 1/2 mile descent by NAUTILE)free from entanglement on the wreck itself.

With all this talk of deep-sea submersibles, as I lay in bed lastnight I was not counting sheep, but submersibles, and thought what a neat thing it would be to have NAUTILE, ALVIN, MIR I and MIR II, and if the Japanese would oblige SHINKAI, all hovering over, first the bow and then the stern...lights ablaze!!

And to think that just one *liftoff* of a United States Space Shuttle mission could fund the cost of my *submersible TITANIC convention*.

This is one point to which Dr. Ballard and I see eye-to-eye...deep sea exploration is neglected.
Think there might be any shipwrecks under those frozen Martian bodies of water?

Michael A. Cundiff

The 1994 "Explorers of the Titanic" (A. Lindsy) features a tense moment. George Tulloch is requesting that Capt. Nargeolet send "ROBIN"
furthur into the wreck. Nargeolet responds with..."If ROBIN were to become trapped ever deep inside the wreck, then it could be dangerous for the NAUTILE".

BTW, for an extra $10.00 with your coal purchase, you then could have aquired this fine complement to your video library. Try and find one now.
Fortunately I have two, cause I play the hell out of it.

It is one of the finest videos for viewing the artifacts, as they were taking their first breath, after 82 yrs. of submergence!

Michael A. Cundiff
Hi Adrian! Glad to see another So. Cal. member around. Welcome! "Explorers" is a good video! If you are interested in artifacts, you may wish to check out another video I spied on Ebay for a few dollars called "The Exhibition".
Enjoy, and once again, welcome aboard!
Thanks Colleen. Unfortunately (in some ways) I'll only be a SoCal member for a couple of months. My wife is a Navy JAG who's just received orders to Yokosuka, Japan for three years effective January 10th of next year, so we're moving. <smile>

All I have to say is thank goodness for the Internet!

Michael, your idea is doable infact there are three other Co that have ROV similar to the ones used on the russian sub that have metal cutting capabillity, and even install patches on oil pipe lines deeper than the titanic infact the ones that ballard uses are kinda old hat, the ones Im talking about are in use every day, try " Oceaneering .com "