Royal Navy In The News

From The Navy News:

Tomahawk passes first test

THE first of the Navy’s next-generation cruise missiles successfully smashed into a test target during trials.

From the tubes of hunter-killer submarine HMS Trenchant, the new ‘smart’ version of Tomahawk hurtled over the Gulf of Mexico at heights up to 10,000ft and speeds of up to 500mph for 60 minutes before crashing down on its objective hundreds of miles away with pinpoint accuracy.

Tomahawk IV is the latest variant of the missile which has been in service with the American military since the late 1970s and with the RN Silent Service for the past decade.

Previous Tomahawks have been fired by S and T boats against enemy targets in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Story at
From The Navy News:

Clyde joins the RN family

THE first warship built in Portsmouth in four decades has been welcomed into the bosom of the RN family.

Falkland Islands patrol ship HMS Clyde was commissioned in the yard which built her, ten months after a spectacular nighttime naming ceremony.

Clyde was built by the VT Group in their state-of-the-art ship hall; the firm owns the patrol ship — and will continue to do so for the first years of her life, leasing her to the RN for duties in the South Atlantic.
More at
From BYM Maritime News:

US Marine Corps Harrier Jets join HMS Illustrious

Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Fourteen AV8B Harrier Jets from the United States Marine Corps (USMC) Marine Aircraft Group (MAG)14 have embarked on HMS ILLUSTRIOUS, the UK’s and NATO’s High Readiness Maritime Strike Carrier, for a US-led Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFX)

The Air Group was welcomed on board by Commodore Alan Richards, Commander UK Strike Group and Commander of one of the 3 Carrier Task Groups for the JTFX and Captain Tim Fraser, the Commanding Officer of HMS ILLUSTRIOUS.
For the rest, see
From The Shipping Times:

Faslane based warship saves fishing vessel from sinking in the Clyde

HMS PENZANCE assists with sinking vessel that had just left a repair yard.

During the afternoon of Saturday 14th July 2007, while conducting routine survey operations of the seabed off the West Coast of Scotland, the Sandown Class Mine Hunter HMS Penzance received a Mayday call relayed by Clyde Coastguard. The call indicated that the Oban registered Fishing Vessel Prospect was sinking to the west of the Isle of Bute. The two crew of FV Prospect had abandoned their vessel, which was sinking by the bow, and were awaiting rescue.
More at
From The Shipping Times:

Royal Navy assists with floods in Gloucester

Personnel from Plymouth, HMS OCEAN and HMS NORTHUMBERLAND

Royal Navy personnel were called last night to go to the assistance of the flood emergency in the Gloucester area. In response to a request for military assistance Plymouth Naval Base Commander, Commodore Simon Lister, co-ordinated the mobilisation of over 100 sailors at very short notice who deployed last night in three coaches to the area.

The 104-strong team made up of personnel from Plymouth Naval Base, HMS Ocean and HMS Northumberland, is being led by Commander Stuart Boreland who is the Weapons Engineer on board HMS Ocean.
Story at
I can just hear some of the people in the MoD. saying "It's about bloody time!" Now if only they can get funding for the surface fleet that Whitehall seems hellbent on cutting to the bone...
From Maktoob Business:

World’s most advanced warship departs River Clyde on maiden voyage

The most advanced warship in the world to date, HMS Daring, has departed from BAE Systems’ shipyard in Scotstoun on her maiden voyage down the River Clyde to begin sea trials off the west coast of Scotland.

Launched by HRH the Countess of Wessex in February 2006, HMS Daring is the first of six Daring class Type 45 destroyers being built for the Royal Navy.
Go HERE for the whole story.
From the BBC:

Veteran sub completes sea trials

The Royal Navy's oldest operational attack submarine has completed sea trials following seven months of maintenance on the Clyde.
HMS Superb was tested in what are known as Scottish Exercise Areas, which stretch from the Western Isles to the Isle of Man.
Story at

Comment: Check out the photo. The company of the HMS Daring probably won't appriciate it.
Is it entirely appropriate to describe a vessel completed in 1976 as a "veteran". Mention of the Superb reminds me that, around 1975, I saw a member of this class letting off steam like a locomotive - would this have been a normal event?
>>Is it entirely appropriate to describe a vessel completed in 1976 as a "veteran". <<

I don't see any reason why not. This boat may never have fired a shot in anger, but if nothing else, she's a cold war veteran.

>>I saw a member of this class letting off steam like a locomotive - would this have been a normal event?<<

I suppose this question would have to be posed to somebody trained in the particulars of the ship's main propulsion plant. A nuclear powered vessel is still at it's most basic level, a steamship. It just uses a nuclear reactor to boil the water.
From The Shipping Times:

Royal Navy ship rescues stranded fishermen

A Royal Navy warship has rescued two fishermen who had been stranded on their broken down vessel for more than twenty-four hours and had run out of food and water in the Caribbean.

Devonport-based HMS Portland was on a routine anti narcotics patrol around St Lucia when an eagle-eyed quartermaster spotted the stricken vessel, the Shadrach, which was too small to show up on the radar, and a sea boat was launched to investigate.
Story at

Comment: Bravo Zulu, HMS Portland!
The Daily Mail's take:

Presenting the £1bn warship that can defend London single-handedly

A warship billed as the world's most advanced destroyer today finished its first test run on the open sea. HMS Daring, the first in a batch of six destroyers ordered by the Royal Navy, is capable of defending London from missile and aircraft attack.

The £1 billion ship, constructed in Glasgow and Portsmouth, slipped her moorings and sailed down the Clyde from Scotstoun shipyard on July 18.

And the past month has not been an easy one, as over 200 workmen toiled to steer the ship through challenging tests and often tough conditions.

The weather swung from dead calm to howling winds up to gale force six, and the tests focused mainly on getting the ship's propulsion systems up and running.
Full story at

Comment: Overall, this is the most detailed story to come out on this ship.