Samuel Beard Risien

There are a few inaccuracies in this biography. There is no evidence that Samuel's parents ever visited the USA and they did not have a daughter named Mary. Emma and Mary Lellyett were both born in Hampshire, England (as were their parents Walter and Charlotte) and can be found on the 1851 and 1861 censuses of England there. There were Lellyetts in South Africa, and one of them married a De Beer (a well-known diamond family) but the connection to Emma and mary is not known. Samuel's siblings: Elizabeth Ludlum b. 1834, Joseph b. 1837, Jonathan Brailey b. 1839 (d. 1846), [Samuel Beard b. 1842], Alfred William b. 1844, Jonathan Turton b. 1846, Emily Turton b. 1850, Edmund Ebenezer b. 1853. Samuel's children: Samuel Walter b. 1868 London, Katherine E. b. 1870, Alford W. b. 1872, Charles James b. 1880.
Samuel Risien was a member of the Joe Johnston Camp No. 94 of the United Confederate Veterans in Mexia, Texas, a few miles from his main residence in Groesbeck. The camp subsequently reported his death in the December 1912 issue of the Confederate Veteran magazine, with the claim that Risien has served as an engineer aboard the famous Confederate sea raider Alabama during the war. I have not been able to corroborate that from any other source.
Andy, we have heard about this too and I have been searching through a pile of data regarding the Alabama crew. He is not listed as an engineer on the Confederate Raider. I can only assume he may have been in Capetown when the ships engineer accidentally shot himself and perhaps Risien volunteered to fill his place. If he did, he adopted another name but there is no mention of it in Capt.Semmes log or anywhere. The Confederate Veteran Magazine is a trusted source but Risien may have been another one of these people who like to invent past glories. ACWRTQ Australia.