I watched this this evening. As best I can tell it first aired in 2019. It was actually better than I was expecting. Learned a few things I didn't know mostly dealing with maritime law. I've never met Dr. Ballard other than seeing him speak at the 2012 events in Belfast. I would like to ask him a question someday about a statement he made about ownership of the wreck. But probably will never get that chance. Anyway not a bad documentary and might be worth a look for some here if you haven't already seen it. Cheers all.
I watched this this evening. As best I can tell it first aired in 2019. It was actually better than I was expecting. Learned a few things I didn't know mostly dealing with maritime law. I've never met Dr. Ballard other than seeing him speak at the 2012 events in Belfast. I would like to ask him a question someday about a statement he made about ownership of the wreck. But probably will never get that chance. Anyway not a bad documentary and might be worth a look for some here if you haven't already seen it. Cheers all.
I saw it too! Wasn't it about the salvage thing, and RMST Inc going bankrupt, and the artifacts possibly being lost forever? I thought it was pretty good.
Yes that was the one. Dr. Ballard said that he had rights to the wreck but in order to keep them the court told him he had to be engaged in salvage. My question was if wanted to protect the wreck site why didn't he maintain ownership and just go pick up a tea cup every couple of years or whatever the requirment was. He could have gamed the system to maintain control of it. But maybe the funds weren't there to send an ROV down to grab a cup or plate every so often. But thats all in the rear view mirror now.
Yes that was the one. Dr. Ballard said that he had rights to the wreck but in order to keep them the court told him he had to be engaged in salvage. My question was if wanted to protect the wreck site why didn't he maintain ownership and just go pick up a tea cup every couple of years or whatever the requirment was. He could have gamed the system to maintain control of it. But maybe the funds weren't there to send an ROV down to grab a cup or plate every so often. But thats all in the rear view mirror now.
ok, thats dumb, he has the money, he's practically rich off the books and fame.
ok, thats dumb, he has the money, he's practically rich off the books and fame.

I would not put to much in what Ballard sated. He first was pro salvage which quickly turned into anti salvage and making false claims about damaged done to the wreck. He was not allowed to bring anything up from the wreck as the us navy was involved.

He is one of the people making money, something those who are against salvage claim this to RMS Titanic Inc. to make money from the dead... :rolleyes:
I must have missed that one. Don't remember seeing it. It looks like a heavily dramatized account but it does look entertaining. I missed quite a few that came out during the 100th anniversary as I was bouncing around europe at the time. I downloaded it to watch later. Thanks for posting it. Oh full link below if anyone else is interested in it.
I would not put to much in what Ballard sated. He first was pro salvage which quickly turned into anti salvage and making false claims about damaged done to the wreck. He was not allowed to bring anything up from the wreck as the us navy was involved.

He is one of the people making money, something those who are against salvage claim this to RMS Titanic Inc. to make money from the dead... :rolleyes:
It's hard to understand those who are against the salvage. They want everything to dissolve with the wreck, including the Marconi equipment.