Seeking Photograph of Archibald Gracie

Ladies and Gents,

I have completed the manuscript for my magazine article about Titanic. I need a good photo of Mr. Gracie. I have checked US Army Military History Insitute without success and have also searched this message board. I've seen some very nice photos of other passengers posted on the message board recently and thought some of you might have a picture of Gracie.


Dan Roper
Folks, looks like I have a good source for a Gracie photo.

I might add that stumbling upon this message board was a huge help in putting together my Titanic article. I freelance, usually for Georgia Backroads magazine, and had decided to do a story about Georgia folks on Titanic. I have gotten expert help from one person in particular plus alot of pointers and good information from others. Thanks to all of you. My story will contain far few errors and much additional Titanic info thanks to you.


Dan Roper
The article will appear in Georgia Backroads magazine - mostly likely the Autumn 2002 issue due out Sept. 1. The article is primarily about Isidor Straus (who grew up in Georgia) told through the eyes of Archibald Gracie (who was a friend of Straus and who also had ties to the South and, ironically since both were New Yorkers, the Confederacy). Nothing new here regarding Titanic but Straus led a pretty unusual life. Later today I'll try to post a link to the magazine web-site in case anyone is interested.
Here is the web-site for Georgia Backroads magazine (I hope - I haven't tried to post a link before and I'm not positive I've done it correctly). Georgia Backroads is published four times a year and is primarily about Georgia history, outdoors, lifestyles, and travel. It is well thought of in this area and has won a number of awards. If and when my article gets published in the magazine, I'll post a note to give you who are interested the particulars.

Here's the web-site. http://www.georgiahi
I'm quite sure a lot of us will, also.

Thanks for the 'heads-up' about the article, sir.

Best regards,
Hey, Dan.
I just subscribed to Georgia Backroads and look forward to your article on Georgia connections to the Titanic. I have Georgia connections on both sides of my family. My mother is related to Ben McCollum of "McCollum's Scouts" of Civil War fame and of course the Willingham connection to Archie Butt. Please see the aricle entitled, "Who was Archie Butt" in the Augusta Spectator Magazine, Spring 1980, Vol. 1/ No. 1, Harbert Publishing Co., Augusta, GA 1980
Ladies and Gents,

I was pleasantly surprised that you good folks would be interested in my article. I submitted the manuscript and visuals late last week, expect to hear back from the editor within a week to ten days, and if everything is in order, the story will appear in the Autumn 2002 issue of Georgia Backroads magazine due out on Sept. 1, 2002. I'll post a notice as soon as the publication date is certain.

Once again, thanks to all of you who provided information that helped me to get the story "right." I was fortunate to stumble across this message board.


Dan Roper
I just received word that my Titanic article has been accepted for publication in Georgia Backroads magazine. I sent the submission on Saturday and received the acceptance today (Wednesday). I think that sets a personal record for turn around on one of my stories. Anyhow, I expect the article to appear in the Autumn 2002 issue due out 9/1/02 and will post a note confirming publication when the issue comes out. Thanks again for your interest in the story and for all the help I recieved from many of you through this message board.