Ship passed by the Titanic at Cowes



I wonder if anyone is able to identify the ship on the left of this photo?
The 'Isle of Wight County Press' would I suggest be your first source for press reports. Unfortunately their archive is not available online without paying. Though in my time on the Isle of Wight, 'The County Press' as known locally, had a full set of archives one could examine, plus the Isle of Wight Library had an archive of same.

I can't help further, sorry, other than to state that is Cowes Promenade in the foreground, and probably another Beken photograph. Bekens Chemists/Pharmacists in Cowes High Street was still owned by the Beken family when I last ordered Ferric Chloride solution, with the shop being adorned with big yachting photographs.

It is the Steam Yacht Alberta (formerly the royal yacht of King Leopold II) and built in 1896. It was formerly known as the Margarita and by 1912, it was owned by a Jefferson Davis Cohn.

Screw Steamer MARGARITA built by Ailsa Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. in 1896 for Anthony J. Drexel, New York. , Yacht

Hope this helps.

Thanks Harald, great info. Steam yachts of this era tend to be similar, the one in question at first glance felt similar to Cardeza's Eleanor or the Monaco royal family yacht Princess Alice, but I wanted to know which ship exactly is in the photo.

anyway, now knowing the name I also found a higher res photo of it:
Ever considered becoming a private investigator Harland ? ;)

I might go to Holmes or Poirot first (if they ever existed) before coming to me, I've been "investigating" something else for a year now and still haven't finished (starts hitting head on desk)! o_O

Back to Topic, I haven't identified the 2-3 yachts moored nearby the White Star Dock in the departure photograph yet so I wonder if Southampton has any registers or archives that mention them...
Dinnae worry yersel Harland.

When I was doing my family tree, I once spent three years trying to trace a mysterious ancestor of mine in England and Scotland ........ turned out he was in Australia the whole time :D
Harland: Several year’s ago I undertook a major research project to to try to find a patent or some kind of drawing of the Murray’s disengaging gear in Titanic’s lifeboats with no success. I was convinced that the drawings were in the UFTM H&W archives only to more recently find out that the drawings of disengaging gear that they hold are not the Murray’s gear. This has been the most difficult thing I have researched relating to Titanic.
Sorry Bob Read, I didn't mean to offend anyone when I mentioned the investigating. I meant it jokingly.

Also I just came across your article and will be reading it shortly. :)