
Quite a few. Titanic get's all the press, but maritime history is nothing if not a history of tragedy going hand in hand with triumphs. If you care to research this further, you may want to sift through the 271,000 links that This Google Page starts listing.
Thank you for all information. I'm actually already searching on google. Meanwhile I saw this web site there, I should say thank you for everybody who make/keep this website in this way. Very useful, full of information, plus, people are seriously very knowledgeable. That's why I also wanted to ask this question here.
I know this web site is not for
reincarnation memories. So, that's why I don't write more about it and I know Titanic is so famous that as if there was no other shipwreck. But I don't want to jump on it and say it was Titanic. And I know first I have to go to a hypnotist to get more information. But now, I'm searching by myself what other ships can be a candidate. Huge metal ship, sank in midnight, it was dark, but the ship somehow had some light.
If I confirm my story 100% then I'm thinking to tell here as information.