
How many crew/passengers reported that titanic acctually rose her stern out of the water for the props and keel to be seen before she broke her back? i have been doing some figures and running numbers and i came up with a good avg but it just dosent match up like i thought and was curious bout how many reported that.

That would be a hard Number to work out, as 1 would have to read All the Survivor Accounts (Articles, Books, Private Letters, NewsPaper) and Witness Testimony in both the Senate Investigation and British Iquiry. From I have Read Though it seems as if most did witness though. this is only my opinion however.

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(You May Want to Read the Disclaimer before reading or Downloading Material from Here. It has Links to Pages w/ the Text From: Titanic And Other Ships - Charles Lightoller, Loss Of The SS Titanic - Lawrence Beesley, Sinking Of The Titanic - Logan Marshall, The Wreck Of The Titan or Futility - Morgan Robertson)

(Contains Full Witness Testimony from Both The Senate Investigation and British Inquiry)
Well im curious cause i did some research on how she is now and a position which i take to be the location that titanic broke apart at the surface and i got a good estimate of what angle the bow was at when she left the surface and im curious cause angling the blueprint side view with water at the 3rd funnel the props arent visable, and most of the ship is under water. i know i think it was 10 or 20 degs was the general accepeted angle she reached, just going through my paces of research before i start this book i started in early july which i halted