Sisterships to MV Britannic & Georgic

Brent Holt

According to Fifty Famous Liners 2, Cunard considered building two slightly larger sisters to Britannic and Georgic. Does anyone know any further details? They would have been used as the new "Big 4" out of Liverpool.
I wonder if Cunard would have painted the two sisters in White Star colors since the low motorship funnels seemed more suited to White Star's scheme than Cunard's? Perhaps they would have been given White Star names? (Then again, Cunard was so anti-White Star after the merger that this is doubtful)
It seems that it would have been much more logical to build more motorliners instead of the Mauretania 2.
The "what-ifs" are interesting.
This is the first I've heard about it, Brent. I don't think Cunard's colour scheme would look good on such squat funnels.
Well don't say that. Yes it might of been weird seeing Cunard's iconic red funnel with black rings on a squat funnel. They could of heightened the funnels a tiny bit and added the iconic colour scheme, thus making it a Cunard Liner. But, heightening the funnels, may have of destroyed M.V. Britannic and Gerogic's sleek and beautiful profile/extiror. However I've always thought seeing Cunard's colour on a squat funnel looking good, but possibly off.
Well don't say that. Yes it might of been weird seeing Cunard's iconic red funnel with black rings on a squat funnel.
It would have been weird (to many at the time), to see White Star colours on the squat funnels of a motor vessel. Had Cunard or CWS built a motor vessel, it would almost certainly have had its funnels painted in traditional Cunard style (& also been considered peculiar at the time).
My only doubt comes when I think of the motor vessel Monarch of Bermuda and her near identical sister. The striped paintwork on their funnels always looks 'bulky' to me and makes me wonder if the thin black stripes of Cunard's colours might have been lost on a squat smokestack!