Some artwork I made

That’s right, it is. I have that book also. I would like to see an updated version, with the Doria all collapsed, and the paintings Ken did of Yorktown.
I guess I don't need to post the photo of Bismarck here since you have the book and you already posted the pic. Instead, here is a painting of the Andrea Doria's superstructure collapsed.
Here is the photo of me I said I'd post. I'm 25 years old. You can see that I'm wearing my striped stocking cap in the pic and I'm holding the Blu-Ray copy I own of my favorite Titanic film, A Night to Remember. I don't have as much facial hair as I usually do in this pic because I have my barber shave my head hair, mustache, and beard all off at the beginning of every month.

P.S: My mom took this photo of me.
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