SS CELTIC passenger list

I was hoping that one of ET's members could help narrow down a tedious seach I have yet to undertake. In my collection is a S.S. CELTIC passenger list from a voyage on Seept. 19, 1902.
The cover is beautiful, red with the earlier
WHITE STAR logo...dolphin bearing double staffs. The commander was H.SR.R. Lindsy R.N.R.

My question in hopes of narrowing down a search pattern...did any passengers, who were later to sail on TITANIC, book passage on the aforementioed 1902 S.S. CELTIC voyage? In otherwords is there a particular surname I should look for of the listed passengers?

Thanking you in advance for any helop you may provide.

Michael Cundiff
Hmmm... Maybe if you scan the pages to put on this thread, someone with an eagle eye could tell you. I have tons of WSL passenger lists from that era and I've only found 1 or 2 from the Titanic's voyage.

Believe it or not I still live in the prehistoric ages...I do not own a scanner nor digital camera. But that will all change soon when I receive a rightly owed settlement. The driver of the car that struck me, while I was in a crosswalk, is charged with two felonies, including DUI. I thought of how terrible it would have been had I folks (married 52 yrs.) having previouslly lost their first child, my big Sister Virginia at age 28 in 1983. Also the victim of DUI.

I apologize for veering off ET course. BTW, I would love to share my W.T. Stead letter with my friends at ET...via a scanner. And soon hope to.

Michael Cundiff

I reazile that you have a large collection of steamship memorabilia, as I have, as you and I had some private correspondance in the past.

Considering that I am now "legally" disabled, and have even more time to spend with my hobbies (I am also a MARS, AVIATION, and MT. EVEREST enthusiast) I will use the auspices of ET for my search.

Michael Cundiff
Hi Michael
Well, if you give me a name on the passenger list- only if it is to NY, I can look it up on ellis island and see if there are any Titanic names. Yes, I am glad you remembered. I think of you when I look at the copy of the Lusy stationary. That is one thing I do not have in my Lusy collection. Now that you are back on ET, take a look at the two lusy articles- Lest We Forget and Lest We Forget 2. Lots of new info and also Kent Layton's new Lusitania book.

Since I currently have too much time on my hands,
I'll just copy them down and forward the names to the list, it's not a large listing. BTW the S.S. CELTIC passenger still retains it's original string binding. I feel so fortunate in having the aforementioned CYMRIC list containing the GOLDSMITH survivors.

Michael Cundiff
Michael P: Forgive me, with all due respect I am certain your search methods far outweigh mine. In fact, the '02 S.S. CELTIC passenger list is six pages. So upon your suggestion I have supplied some of the more interesting surnames...

Prof. F.Y. Edgeworth
Miss R.S. Goodrich
Mr. J.R.T. McCarroll
Mr. Caleb E. Gowan & Family {perhaps a relation to Philip Gowan?)
Mr. Henry P. Hoyt
Lord Algernon Gordon Lennox
Master Edward Pulling, Nurse Bigall & Infant
Col. Stanley T. Stephenson
Lieut-Col. H.A. Yorke, R.E.

I hope that this will narrow down the search via Ellis Island documentation.

Thanks Michael...

Michael Cundiff
Hmmm... I cant find that voyage... Is it to Liverpool. If it is to NY, I'll try one other site, but I cant find that voyage on ellisisland.
hello Mark-
Thanks for trying, but that is actually the return voyage. Mike is looking for the one that ended Sept 19, 1902. This one ends the 29th.... I checked all the names on ancestry and ellis and none were on the Sept 29 voyage into NY, so what he must have is one going to England.
Hello, Mike---

Two reasons I think this IS the trip Mike C. is looking for.

1. A passenger list would show the date of departure, not arrival, wouldn't it? In any event, Celtic's data for the time frame involved here was: arrive Liverpool on 15 Sept., sail on 19 Sept. and arrive NYC on 29 Sept. Source: The New York Times, 16, 20 and 30 September 1902.

2. There are three or four passengers named in The New York Times' articles about the 29 Sept. arrival, but NONE of them are found by using the search function on It looks as if that arrival, in whole or in part, isn't properly indexed through I found the manifest for the 19/29 Sept. trip by using one of the unofficial Ellis Island search sites, but didn't search it thoroughly.
Mark B.

Nice to hear from you are absolutely correct the first page notes the LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK voyage. Thanks for your help as well!

{Interesting is'nt it? The GOWAN AND STEPHENSON names}
Michael Cundiff