Starting work on a Titanic Film

Hello people who like the RMS Titanic, I have started work on a titanic film and was looking for suggestions on what to do and what not to do and also on some feedback


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I am no Titanic expert - far from it - but there are many on these forums who could you lots of
"do's and don't" ideas.

How about starting at the very first with a "long shot" of that vast Harland and Wollf drafting room with all those skylights ?

You're could make a set, CGI, or maybe use the original room depending on the budget. Then "zero in " on a draftsman drawing some detail of the construction.

Just an idea.

I wasn't able to get your " https/........." listing below.
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Hi Robert T Page, thanks for replying and thanks for the idea, I may go through with that. I filmed the Titanic launching as the 1st scene but that was mainly just a test for angles and testing some basic stop motion. The film will probably have some cgi/green screen usage too
I am no Titanic expert - far from it - but there are many on these forums who could you lots of
"do's and don't" ideas.

How about starting at the very first with a "long shot" of that vast Harland and Wollf drafting room with all those skylights ?

You're could make a set, CGI, or maybe use the original room depending on the budget. Then "zero in " on a draftsman drawing some detail of the construction.

Just an idea.

I wasn't able to get your " https/........." listing below.

Woah you made your account 2 months and a few days before I was born
I am no Titanic expert - far from it - but there are many on these forums who could you lots of
"do's and don't" ideas.

How about starting at the very first with a "long shot" of that vast Harland and Wollf drafting room with all those skylights ?

You're could make a set, CGI, or maybe use the original room depending on the budget. Then "zero in " on a draftsman drawing some detail of the construction.

Just an idea.

I wasn't able to get your " https/........." listing below.
Here you go:KTSP
In my opinion, an interesting person worth mentioning in the film is Mr Harry Haven Homer link to his biography on the Titanic encyclopedia: Harry Haven Homer : Titanic Survivor (However, as a secondary or tertiary figure) And if I have to tell you what not to do in the Titanic movie, don't make the basic mistake most people make when making Titanic movies, which is to depict scenes where the third class is blocked by metal gates on the lower decks as the Titanic sinks. This is not true because such gates did not even separate them from the upper decks. If you need more advice, write to me on this forum then I will look for some interesting biographies, documents, etc. for you.
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In my opinion, an interesting person worth mentioning in the film is Mr Harry Haven Homer link to his biography on the Titanic encyclopedia: Harry Haven Homer : Titanic Survivor (However, as a secondary or tertiary figure) And if I have to tell you what not to do in the Titanic movie, don't make the basic mistake most people make when making Titanic movies, which is to depict scenes where the third class is blocked by metal gates on the lower decks as the Titanic sinks. This is not true because such gates did not even separate them from the upper decks. If you need more advice, write to me on this forum then I will look for some interesting biographies, documents, etc. for you.
Dang this post is a year old and its still getting responses. Thanks for the advice