Stern and wireless robots

I thought I would just ask these 2 questions in one thread since they are slightly related:

1. I have seen very few photos and interior exploration of the stern section. I know that it's condition is not as good as the bow, but seeing the paintings of the stern and the few photos available, it seems that there are plenty of openings and chances for more exploration inside the stern. I wish they would focus more on exploring the interior, as bad as it's condition is.

2. I also realize we have not seen many exploration probes and robots go deep into the inside of either part of the wreck because it seems all robots still require cables attached to the submersibles. Haven't they developed technology by now so that we can have wireless controlled robots that can explore the inside of the ships?
>>Haven't they developed technology by now so that we can have wireless controlled robots that can explore the inside of the ships?<<

Probably, the thing is that they all rely on some form of radio and radio doesn't do so well when there are all kinds of metal walls in the way. It doesn't do that well in water either.
Hi Matthew!

So far as I know the 1998 RMS Titanic Inc. expedition send the ROV Robin inside the stern section. They look into some of the 3rd class cabins which were completely empty apart from the foundations of the beds. They also send it into the pantry and on D deck and the bakers shop if I remember right which was empty too. The rooms were also crushed by the decks above it.
Hi mathew was just wondering the same myself,would love for the stern to be explored if possible.There has to be someway for them to get in
Hi Matthew!

So far as I know the 1998 RMS Titanic Inc. expedition send the ROV Robin inside the stern section. They look into some of the 3rd class cabins which were completely empty apart from the foundations of the beds. They also send it into the pantry and on D deck and the bakers shop if I remember right which was empty too. The rooms were also crushed by the decks above it.
Do you have a link? I just watched the 1998 discovery channel one and I didn't see them go on the stern, just the usual images of the Reciprocating Engines and the "big piece"
I am not quite sure if "Titanic 90 years below" had some images or not. I know they show a few scenes at Titanic Exhibitions but they were never shown outside the Exhibition and this was in late 1990s (many things had changed since then). Aside from that there are only the description about the wreck dives.
I put my questions there as they are quite similar,
if more recent informations change the answers:

Most of images and camera movie are for the bow,
what is logical.
But is there exploration to the stern with movie of the sides and top?
As it's collapsed, could a little robot find some others places to explore inside it?
Are explorations of that specific part been programmed and/or artifacts linked to?