Stern Propeller ANDREW

Hello Andrew:

I just wanted to pass this along:

It is a smaller version of the photograph Mr. Kristof sent me. Of course Kristof is in the MIR 1 capturing the image. He also signed the photo in the area of a previous MIR skid trail.

It is my favorite wreck photograph...just stunning!

Were you able to get in as close on your visit to the stern? Also, I know during the NAUTILE dives, voice recordings are made...probably a safety measure. Do the Russians also implement this measure? Did you dive in MIR 1 or MIR 2?

Michael Cundiff
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the link to the pic. I really like that picture too.
Believe me it is quite an effort to get the two subs together for a shot like that. One slight reversing movement would stir up such a fuss that it would take about 15 or 20 mins to clear!
It is quite hard to judge distances down there, but we would have been a lot closer to the port prop than Mir 1 (in this pic) but not as close as Mir 2.
No voice recording on our dives though it would have been a nice idea. Maybe they did it on the recent salvage dives.
I went down in Mir 2. Genya Chernaev was our pilot. He and Anatoly piloted all four days of diving. Victor is the chief engineer but didn't do any dives on our trip.

Hello Andrew,

I am glad you liked the photograph of the starboard wing would also make for a great SONY camera advertisement. :)

As for voice recordings aboard NAUTILE, to my knowledge they have been in effect since 1987.
In his recollection of NAUTILE'S first dive on TITANIC, P.H. Nargeolet, then head of submersibles with IFREMER, recalls the excitement--everyone talking--but upon arrival at the site it was complete silence for 10 doubt the three sub occupants were awestruck and overwhelmed with the sorrow of which the site envelops. In comparison to your dive on TITANIC, with the excitement you previously expressed, it would be interesting to listen to a voice playback of that initial meeting with the "Queen of the Deep".

As an you have access to the periodical ARCHAEOLOGY? An article..."Diving on the Titanic" (SEE: Jan./Feb. 2001) was contributed by James A. Delgado, the first archaeologist not affiliated with RMSTI to dive on the wreck. His opportunity came by way of an invitation to the Zegrahm 2000 Titanic Expedition. The article raises some interesting issues, and Delgado reiterates the importance of a site-map. I was especially pleased with the accompanying photograph of the bridge telemotor...a crystal clear image which reveals three memorials left by previoius visitors. (BTW: Delgado also noted having seen five memorials in all on the wreck. The two left by Dr. Ballard's team would constitute the others.)

Andrew...there is a matter of which I wish to discuss with you in regards to your dive on TITANIC, however, I feel that if I disclose it here on the ET forum it may ensue a keyboard fret. May I contact you privately?

Thank you,

Michael Cundiff
G'day Michael,
No worries about contacting me, you can get the eddress by clicking on the top of my post. I look forward to hearing from you but be warned, as you might have noticed I'm a very slow replyer (if that is a real word!).
Most of our 5 1/2 hours "wreck time" was video recorded with the audio (on the video tape) coming from inside the sub. I couldn't tell you what is kept and what is edited and/or discarded.
I have our first sighting of the wreck on the audio of my video, there was certianly no silence!
Actually after descending for 2 1/2 hours just seeing the ocean floor is quite an amazing event, it is really an "other worldly" experience and without sounding too X Files'ish it is as close as I will ever get to another world!
I have not even heard of the ARCHAEOLOGY magazine but it sounds like an interesting article, I will check with a library or two.
I am in contact with another couple of Aussies who were on the same expedition as Mr Delgado in 2000 I might ask them what they know of him.

Bye for now,
