Surviving Engineers?

Mel Sharp

Hi everyone,

I have repeatedly read that no engineers survived the sinking, however I have just seen a chart on that states two survived, does anyone have any further information on this please?
Ok I'm just stating an opinion. From my experience it was not uncommon to hear people called engineers who worked in the dept but were not actual engineers. They were aids, assistants or had other positions. So I could see where the confusion would come in. This might be a little off topic but kind of related: The first 10 years I worked at the power plant the senior person in charge of the operating shift was always called the "watch engineer". That was their official title. Then came along some young bright eyed and bushy tailed engineers that took offense because a lot of the watch engineers didn't have a degree. 30 years of experience didn't seem to matter to them (which in my opinion was worth 10 degrees) so they filed a complaint. After that the watch engineers were called shift supervisors. I always went out of my way to call them watch engineers for the next 20 years until I retired.