Survivor deaths from 1918 flu pandemic and WWII

I know several passengers and/or crew were killed during World War I.

However, I'd like to know if there was any death related to the 1918 flu pandemic.

And also, WWII casualties. I only know of a trimmer who was killed during the heavy bombing of Southampton in 1940. I can't remember his name.

Thank you all.
The name you're looking for is Edgar Lionel Perry and his wife Martha. Both were killed when the Garibadli Arms at Southampton got a direct hit. The raid was the 23rd of November 1940. A week late 30th of November 1940 the whole of Southampton's main Town Centre was completely flattened. The same raid was repeated the following night 1st of December 1940, this time the big heavy stuff like thousand pounders and landmines were use with great effect and destruction. Interesting point to note here -- about fourteen years ago there was quite a write up with the Heritage Page of the Southampton Echo and the daughter of the Landlord of the Garibadli was the centre of attention of the interview. She survived, but not her Mother or Father as well as a younger sister were all killed during the raid.

As oppose to your question on those who were affected by the flu pandemic after WW1. This is a bit of a hit and miss, but I do know for a fact that some of child dependents on the Relief Fund, under the wing of Southampton were victims of this terrible epidemic. How many isn't listed but that is an area I am working on and is going to take years and years of careful examining to complete, and report back at a later date. Otherwise a good question and I pray some one maybe able to provide a much broader picture to give you satisfaction with your question.

Another case of missing the boat on my part. Perry along with Robert Hichens applied at the same time and tried in vain to get registered on the books with the Relief Fund, with the aim of receiving a weekly allowance. Perry's case was dismissed, whereas Hichens was apportioned different amounts over a two year period.
3rd Class survivor Hannah O'Brien died in 1918, and was I think a victim of the 'flu epidemic. Assad Thomas died in a later epidemic, in 1931.
Epidemics were wide spread, look at today's Sunday Mail and see the story lines of those poor little souls on the books with Dr. Barnardo's. For once there in plan daylight is a beautiful photo-shot of William Frank Long. He along with his younger brother George were handed-over in 1912. Poor William died three years later of unknown illness. As oppose to his younger brother George, he was sent to Canada to work as a Farm Boy and married in 1921. Whether William's illness was down to the flu epidemic remains firmly unknown for the time being. To solve the problem of his illness I've been searching for a death registration for getting on for nearly ten years. Today's newest release could resolve my problem by making the necessary contacts at London. For the record, both brother's are found inside the various pages of the Southampton branch of the Relief Fund.
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