Swedish survivor Lillian Asplund is still alive


Swedish survivor Lillian Asplund was 6 when Titanic sank. Today she is 96 and she still remember the sinking. Does anyone know anything about her besides what is on Encylopedia Titanica? Has anyone spoken to her or do you know why she doesn't want to talk about Titanic?

I ask the same questions about Winnifred Vera Quick from Great Britain who was 8 years old when Titanic sank. The other two survivors are not so interesting since they were to young to remember the sinking.

Hi Mikael,
I've been in touch with a neighbor of Miss Asplund who advises that her health is very frail and she is taken care of by cousins and friends. She has been hospitalized at least twice in fairly recent times. The loss of so many members of her family, including her twin brother--together with her mother's wish that Titanic not be discussed is behind her reclusiveness.

Winnifred Van Tongerloo has been in remarkably good health for a 98 year old. She lives in an assisted living residence and her memories of Titanic are still vivid and she talks about the subject with no reservations. She also keeps a copy of "A Night To Remember" on her coffee table. When I visited her about a year ago (thanks to my friend George Behe), she told me that she plays bingo every week and if she wins she gets 25 cents and then buys a chocolate chip cookie with the money--she is a chocoholic. While she doesn't mind talking about Titanic, she is a very private person and shuns interviews at this point in her life and is very well protected from outsiders by the residence's staff. She told me that she still receives requests for her autograph but routinely tosses them in the trash can. Her mind is very clear, she smiles easily, and seems to have an easygoing and happy life at this point. She is a very nice lady.

Thanks for the posting.

Since they are the last passengers alive who can tell about Titanic I hope they will give interviews for TV before it's too late.

What did Winnifred tell you about her memories from Titanic?

