News Take a deep dive on Saturday into the history of the Titanic

Jason D. Tiller

Staff member
You weren’t really planning on doing anything at 6 a.m. Saturday, so why not take a virtual field trip to the spot where the RMS Titanic sank?

The Everett company OceanGate and its five-person submersible, Titan, plan a deep dive to explore the ship, which rests on the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean.
Here's the link to the live expedition for anyone who did not register in time and which was broadcasted this morning at 9 a.m. EDT. It is hosted by Stockton Rush CEO of OceanGate Inc. and my friend David Concannon, who is on his fifth expedition to the Titanic. Worth watching and you may learn a thing or two; I know I did.
Here's Part 2 of Titanic Expedition Live: The Return, featuring David Concannon (who is only one of two people who has dived to Titanic more times than anyone I know) and Stockton Rush of Oceangate. David and Stockton provide us with a behind the scenes look of what goes on when diving down to the wrecksite and what one sees when they get to Titanic's final resting place, 12,500 feet down. Some video footage, a couple of photos from the expedition and a styrofoam cup that made it down to the bottom and what happens to it when it is exposed to 6,000 pounds per square inch of pressure, are shown. Both gentlemen have been very generous with their time and sharing their experiences. My thanks go out to both of them. May this video generate further interest for young people, into exploring our vast oceans and the incredible sea life, who call it home.
