Thamīn Tannūs

I'm sorry that you never met her.  We used to visit her when we spent time at my Ghiddo's (Joseph Thomas's) house across the street.  Your great grandmother was my great aunt. 
By way of clarification, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. McKenzie were NOT reunited on the Today program. In fact the two never met in person. I was the News Director of WILK Radio in Wilkes-Barre, PA. in 1972 and had pre-recorded an interview with Mrs. Thomas to be aired on the anniversary of the Titanic sinking. That's how I learned that her son had been handed to a woman in another lifeboat by Mrs. Thomas' brother-in-law Charles. I happen to be watching the Today show on the morning of April 15th and heard Mrs. McKenzie speaking about how someone had handed her a baby to care for. Suspecting the two stories might be connected I contacted NBC, and explained the reasons for my suspicions. Someone at the network had Mrs. McKenzie call Mrs. Thomas at the phone number I provided. Mrs. McKenzie remembered and identified the blanket in which the child had been wrapped, thus proving it was Mrs. Thomas' son. The two spoke by phone and corresponded my mail. But they never met in person. Mrs. Thomas' daughter Mae still has a Christmas card sent by to her mother by Mrs. McKenzie. One Titanic publication includes a wire, sent from the rescue ship, from Mrs. McKenzie to her family in which she mentions being handed the baby. She often spoke of saving an infant "from Pennsylvania." David DeCosmo, Wilkes-Barre, PA.
Thamin Thomas was my grandmother. I can verify my DeCosmo’s comments. I would like to add that my mother, the late Marjorie Thomas, met Edwina McKenzie in Long Beach, CA in 1984. She had cassette tapes from their meeting and those tapes are still in the family.
I knew Marge Thomas Simpson in Ohio and heard the story of your great-grandmother and her baby. Marge was the tenth born child I believe. She told me about her brother Assad being saved by Edwina Troutt MacKenzie, but losing her uncle Charles and other cousins when the ship sank. I moved to California in 1979 and learned in 1982 that Edwina was still alive! I contacted Marge and she came out and we were able to connect with Edwina not once, but twice before Edwina's death in 1984. I still have photos of those times with these two wonderful ladies. Michael Green @ [email protected]