The amidship little B deck cabins

On the deck plans, you can see the rows of B-deck suites between the Forward and Aft staircases. The suites all have a smaller room adjacent. These rooms alternate between being a bathroom or a cabin. My question:

Were these smaller rooms period suites, or were they of the plainer brand of white-pine and generic WSL furniture seen in the forward staterooms?
They were panelled to match the style seen in the A-Deck forward cabins and similar. Wood panels painted in white enamel paint. The sofas were small box sofas built into the wall above floor level to allow storage underneath. The cabins would have been fitted out with the simple oak cot beds and mirror dressing tables.
If let as part of a Suite of Rooms they were listed as being a Servant's Room, but they could be booked separately. A Fare Rate booklet lists them as single-berth, but they show on the Limitation deck plans as 2-berth.
Yes, that's true, and it's not until I bought Titanic: The Ship Magnificent that I really understood what most of First Class looked like -- almost industrial, with bare pipes. I also don't imagine the inboard tandem cabins as being all that wonderful (the ones with the long, narrow corridor to a sidelight, intended to allow natural light and ventilation to every cabin). The inboard cabins on B were meant for servants primarily. They did not have direct access to the cabin proper, so they would not have been very suitable for small children. As you can see on the plans, the amidships cabins on B deck, the period cabins on that deck, alternated between private baths and small cabins. The private baths, interestingly, have doors to both adjoining cabins. I don't know whether people ever shared these, but there was an extra cost for the private baths, and it was possible to lock the doors leading to them in the event that a first class passenger had booked a period suite but not a bath.