The Boston Daily Globe 1912

I was at a garage sale 3 years ago. I was looking through a box of Time Life Magazines from the 50's. I think they were time life but they were old and covered in dust and smelled like a musty old basement. In between a couple magazines I pulled out a news paper. The Boston Daily Globe, April 16, 1912. The front page is Titanic sinks 1500 Die. I'd love to find out if this could real. It's in pretty good shape. It was folded off center and really flattened out. What are your thoughts on this?

Aaron Eicher
Hallo Aaron. The Globe printed a reproduction of that issue for the 75th anniversary of the sinking. There are thousands of these in circulation and they often come up for sale on Ebay. That's not to say yours isn't a genuine 1912 copy, but it does make it a lot less likely.

The original of this newspaper would have been printed letterpress. Given that this was printed on a cylinder letterpress, seeing the impression of the type into the paper will be difficult, but not impossible. Go to any large solid -- a headline or advertisement will do -- and look for a depression of the type into the paper. You can also turn that sheet over and see if the type has punched into the paper enough to slightly raise the type in reverse; as if it has been embossed.

The reprint of this newspaper was printed with the offset process. The type will lay flat on the paper, with no impression visible.

If you've any other questions, feel free to ask!
I don't see much of an impression. I used a jewelers magnifier and found a couple spots on the back that looked like it was but I think it's a reprint. It would nice to have someone look at it that really nows what a 1912 paper would look like after this many years. Anyone with this expertise live near Toledo Ohio. If we had a trumpet that was possibly on the Titanic, I could date that will the serial number and knowledge I have. I guess I'm not a paper person. Ha! Ha!

Aaron Eicher

If all else fails, send it to me insured (I'll return it the same way) and I can tell you at a glance whether or not it is real or not. With the printing background that I have, this is fairly easy for me to do.
The reprint edition that Bob mentioned (or at least the reprint edition I bought some years back) is 12 pages, consisting of pages 1, 2, 12 and three unnumbered pages from the Globe's morning edition, and pages 1, 2, 4, 6 and two unnumbered pages from the evening edition. According to the mastheads, each edition was twenty pages.
Mine is a reprint. I sat down and looked through the whole paper and it starts with the morning edition and then a few pages later is the evening edition. I never looked through the whole paper in fear I would damage it. A nice conversation piece I guess. Thanks for all the information. I've been wondering for 3 years. I spend more time on trumpet hobbies then this hobby.

Aaron Eicher

Well, if nothing else, now you know for sure. It'll look good on display, and since it's not an original, you can breath now when you are in the same room with it.
Hello to anyone who can help. I also have a Globe report, acquired some time ago. The morning edition has 7 pages, pg 2,4,6 numbered. The evening edition has 4 pages and jumps to 12 as described by other, so yes, I am aware it is probably a repro. Some years back I sent this to someone who had it the paper content checked at a university in Canada. Since it did not say REPRO on it like the ones you see on ebay and the paper looked old, he wanted to check it out. The results were inconclusive. They thought it may have been a very early reproduction based on the kind of paper. Could not be sure if it dated to 1912. My question is how many times was this reproduced and does anyone have any information as to the earliest reproduction? There are some places where the ink looks 'smeary' or darker. If it is an older repro, what would be a fair price to ask, or should I just throw it out. Condition good. Front yellowing. Creased where folded. Thanks you all for your help. Feel free to answer to my email at [email protected]
I`ve got what seems to be a real early edition or the original
but its the evening edition of the 1912 boston globe daily .


  • 1912.jpg
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Well I hope you have an original. That would be cool. But on this website that paper is mentioned as one of the most reproduced. Maybe you lucked out who knows? You probably need to take it somebody that's an expert on to this stuff unless theres obvious clues mentioned further up this thread. Good Luck!
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