The Countess of Rothes future crossings


Does anybody know what ship The Countess took when she returned to the UK with her husband in the late summer/early fall of 1912?

I know Lord Rothes sailed to North America in winter of 1912 on the Lusitania, I’m wondering if they also took a Cunard ship on the way back, I can’t imagine they took a White Star liner or the Olympic but you never know.

And does anybody know if their cousin Glady’s Cherry also returned with them as well?

Finally, are there any accounts that The Countess traveled anywhere overseas again?

She appears with second husband Claud Macfie on the passenger lists of 'Empress of Britain', sailing from Monaco to New York departing 15th December 1932, but the entry is struck out so did they not travel or perhaps disembark sooner, elsewhere? Strangely the New York arrival date is given on the list as 11 Apr 1933, so was this a very long cruise??

Another entry for the same voyage (NOT crossed out) gives arrival at San Francisco on 23 March 1933, and notes final destination as "Scotland via New York". It also gives visa issued Yokohama, 6 Mar 1933, so an east - west circumnavigation?
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She appears with second husband Claud Macfie on the passenger lists of 'Empress of Britain', sailing from Monaco to New York departing 15th December 1932, but the entry is struck out so did they not travel or perhaps disembark sooner, elsewhere? Strangely the New York arrival date is given on the list as 11 Apr 1933, so was this a very long cruise??

Another entry for the same voyage (NOT crossed out) gives arrival at San Francisco on 23 March 1933, and notes final destination as "Scotland via New York". It also gives visa issued Yokohama, 6 Mar 1933, so an east - west circumnavigation?
Nice find!

It looks like The Empress of Britain was on a 147 day world cruise during the winter of 1932-33!

Maybe they hopped on a off?

I found a scan of the original brochure with the itinerary and route map!
