The Day After Tomorrow ship

Hi new here and just recently finished watching The Day After Tomorrow and I apologize if this has been discussed and I know it’s not a ship related film but I wanted to ask if the people who were in the New York public library could have sailed the ship out of New York and south to safer waters if they had gotten on it?

please let me know below. Thanks!

I was still living in NY when that movie came out, and my first thought was wondering if that ship could even fit down 42nd street to get anywhere near the library.
Assuming the car in the foreground isn't floating that ship won't be sailing anywhere. If the car's on the ground that would suggest a water depth of three to four feet. The ship is obviously unloaded but the bulbous bow is just showing. Without more depth to the water that ship is grounded
Assuming the car in the foreground isn't floating that ship won't be sailing anywhere. If the car's on the ground that would suggest a water depth of three to four feet. The ship is obviously unloaded but the bulbous bow is just showing. Without more depth to the water that ship is grounded
If I remember the movie right the ship grounded by the library. Also been awhile since I was there last but I don't remember the streets being all that wide. It was an entertaining movie though for one of the more recent sci-fi flicks. Cheers.