The eye of the beholder

As it goes in what little time I have to relax in front of the tube...most of it is spent with the DISCOVERY or HIST0RY channels. However, the providers can often wear out an upcoming features advertisement (i.e. Columbus, Pompei). So I like to see what else is on, and as it goes TITANIC let's me know..."You can't get away from me that easy".

Case(s) in point...I was watching an intnse scene from U.S. Marshal's...the scene in which the dasterdly character portrayed by Robert Downey Jr. is attempting to kill someone, can't remember where...perhaps a senior home or something. Anyhow on a prominent wall of the prop is hanging the longitudinal section of OLYMPIC (Reproduction by THS of the original)

And, on COURT TV a show about the MAFIOSO...Bonann or something (not really important to me) in a, if I remmber Justice Office, Attorny or something hangs, appearing to be an original OLYMPIC painting (minus the wing bridges, by Panzing I believe)

Oh well...ever have that experience in your time of relaxation?

Michael Cundiff USA
the m*a*s*h* season 1,2,3 talk about titanic too,my daughter jessi was watching them and had to call me into the family room so i could see it lol