The new Carnival Pride

Today Carnival Cruise Lines showed off their new ship, the "Carnival Pride" - hailed as the biggest, most opulent ship in the world! It has over 1,000 passenger cabins, capacity over 2,000 passengers. The cameras went inside the ship photographing the Grand Entryway in its sparkling starlight and blue interiors.
All I could think of was "Pride goeth before a fall." (Have they learned NOTHING from Titanic?)

All the best,
The Pride is a hunk of junk mechanically speaking. They have had nothing but problems. I hope that I don't end up on her rotation.


It wouldn' surprise me if we start reading about her difficulties on the Maritime Matters website before to long.

Talk around the camp fire is that her Z drive has pooped the bed several times during fit out and the voyage from Germany was a little more then eventfull.

Just because I sound like Mr. Wilde I hope that I don't meet the same fate. I guess I better not write any letters to my sister or I just may.

Z drive? engineer I ain't. What's a Z drive?

>>I hope that I don't end up on her rotation.<<

Oops, now you've done it Erik. The instant you said that, the demons who influance ship assignments made sure that somebody would put you at the top of the list! Hope you give 'em hell when you get there.

Michael H. Standart
Erik, Are you still incapacitated? How did your trip in the wheelchair turn out? Did you get back ashore without further harassment by your officers?

A Z drive is basically the use of propellers to both move the ship and turn it. No rudders. You can make the ship "hover" if you want. When it works it is a pretty neat little invention. The Pride has something that is a offspring of the Z Drive but I can't remeber what the heck it's name is.

As to me getting harassed... I had to leave the same way that I came about which was to go down the luggage belt. No further harassment though. I can't figure out why.

So when the Z drive "poops" you have to do your manuevering the old fashioned way. Given the habit Murphey's nasty little law has for biting at the worst possible moment...the set-up will croak when you need it the most, and catch you completely by surprise.



Michael H. Standart