The Titanic Expeditions : Diving to the Queen of the Deep 1985 – 2010

Encyclopedia Titanica

Philip Hind
Staff member

Review of the book by Eugene Nesmeyanov... Titanica! Sun, 29 Apr 2018

The sinking of the Titanic more than 106 years ago sent shock waves around the world. But the remembrance faded over the decades (there were two World Wars!) until J. Negulesco’s film Titanic (1953) and, even more so, the book A Night to Remember, written by Walter Lord (1955), raised the public interest again.

Titanic has become a symbol of the end of an era – but is also a symbol (as Delgado writes in his foreword) of the beginning of a new era in efforts to explore the unknown depths of the ocean.

In 21 chapters E. Nesmeyanov discusses the different aspects of the discovery of the engineering marvel ...

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