Theft at Titanic Exbit

There will be a Titanic Exhibit in May in Nashville Tenn, U.S.A. Eight Bank Notes an Ten Coins where Taken from a display case. The real stuff!
We all should stay on the look out for Items of
this type for sale maybe cheap a real coin alone from Titanic is Valued at over $75,000.00 the ones
recovered from the ship in 96'. If caught they should walk the blank!

Hello Matthew-

Could you please cite me your source for a single coin from Titanic being valued in excess of $75,000.00? Auction results and private sales of Titanic currency do not support this value and I would be interested in knowing the appraiser's foundation for that amount.

Thank you.
Craig Sopin
Video Documentary (Titanic Treasure of the Deep )
The Walter Cronkite one.It is a joint American,
Russian and Canadian team. But the point is they where Stolen. Did you here about the Titanic chair
Selling for 2.2 million on E-bay. What chart did they use you think ? The got to have it at any cost chart you can bet! By the way what do the Auction an Private sales values support Craig ?
I would like to know ?

They where Gold $20 pieces $7000 value but the same off the Titanic $70,000 a little off had to watch it again.Ralph White was one of the Americans on board. I will be in Nashville on opening day May 3, Sad about this the other stolen
was paper money .
Hi Matthew-

Thank you for the information. I'm still not sure I understand who provided the valuation though. I'm aware of the deck chair on eBay but it didn't sell in that auction. I've seen currency purported to be from Titanic sell for 3 and 4 figures. Enjoy the exhibition. Opening days are always the best!

Craig Sopin
I will be there,with bells on.Yes,this documentary,as others,are vague in providing who comes up with some of thier values and statistics
on the ship,or artifacts. Have you seen any
other Titanic Coins sell? The value is not in my price range, but I can dream.

Hi Matthew-

Yes, I've seen some coins for sale which were said to have come from Titanic. Of course, coins which were in general circulation at the time can be difficult to authenticate now as coming from the ship, unless they're from a salvage expedition and inventoried. You might be surprised about "value". I've found that sometimes people are more concerned about giving their possessions a good home for the future than getting rich from them, so I wouldn't stop dreaming.

Good luck.
Hi Geoff-

Good to hear from you. My lovely wife is quite well and calm, thank you, but I'm beginning to get stage fright as we approach "D" day in early May.

Thanks again for referring my inquiry to Brian. He snail-mailed me more information than I thought existed about my little receipt.

Sorry we'll miss you next month. It's sure to be a great convention and I know that some neophytes are looking forward to their first. We look forward to re-joining you in 2002.

Regards from Ruth and I to you, Alma and the family.

Just a bit of information passed on from the SFX people at the Kansas City exhibit.. In response to the thefts at Opryland Hotel, RMS Titanic's insurance carrier is demanding all display cases have alarms.

Best regards,
Rob Ottmers