News This Book Tells the Tales of Titanic’s Gay Passengers

Jason D. Tiller

Staff member
In his most famous book, Gilded Lives, Fatal Voyage: The Titanic’s First-Class Passengers and Their World, he provides a thoughtfully examined and vividly illustrated look at the eerie and unforgettable stories of the doomed ship’s passengers.
There is one thing about that link article that I don't quite understand.

Following the disaster, Millet discussed his homosexuality with San Francisco poet Charles Warren Stoddard, which suggests that it was more than an adolescent bohemian phase.

Francis Millett died in the sinking and so how could he discuss his homosexuality with Stoddard "following the disaster"?
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There is one thing about that link article that I don't quite understand.

Francis Millett died in the sinking and so how could he discuss his homosexuality with Stoddard "following the disaster"?
Yes that is a confusing article the way it is written. One line says his final message was written in Queenstown and another says he discussed it after the disaster. I once read a book about all the salacious and lurid stuff that a lot of Hollywood actor/actresses were supposed to be into during the 50's and 60's. The only thing is all the people written about were dead and couldn't defend or refute. I have a feeling this book is like that. Cheers.
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