Thomas Andrews

Thomas Andrews,by all accounts,was a perfect gentleman.The movie TITANIC did a good job of portraying him probably much like he was in real life.
I thought that was interesting. I am doing a 3-5 page paper and i was going to do Walt Disney, but instead someone else chose him so i chose Thomas Andrews, we have to have three resources, online, scholarly article, and well...a book. Does anyone know a place where i could get a biography book on Thomas Andrews in Tacoma Washington, where i live? It'd be really appreciated. Thank you for posting.
Tbsi is a very good stoery he was a very famous person quite rich also! Good work iw ould say, this website knows everything about the titanic and more a job well done!! fabulous and fantastic
Lately I've been researching a lot on the RMS Titanic, and reading this article about this brave man brought a tear to my eye. It makes me proud, it really does.
THE ADMIRAL They said you died with honour,A hero to the end,No man could ever doubt that,If they knew you as a friend.The way you faced adversity,And how you were so brave,When doomed with all the others,To a cold Atlantic grave. The news that rocked us to the bone,Came without a warning,The tragic loss of one of ours,Sent us into mourning.The club you loved so dearly,Had lost a favourite son,Gone to a higher calling,Your life on earth, all done. It was a life of cricket,You joined us as a boy,You made no secret of the fact,You wanted to enjoy.You were the all round player,As good as we had seen,Your heart belonged to Comber,And playing at The Green. No runs or wickets will we use,To tell the world of you,No need to count the victories,Or what you used to do.We won’t waste time with trivia,Of scores against your name,The greatest asset that you had,Was how you played the game. You built the great Titanic,And in it you did perish,It was the final curtainOf the Admiral we still cherish.We’re sure you thought of us that night,In those final hours,Thinking back to happy times,Under chilling stars.  The name of Thomas Andrews (Jun) is renowned the world over as the gallant shipbuilder who went down with his ship when the great Titanic sank in April 1912.  What is not known as widely is the fact that he was a lifelong member of North Down Cricket and Hockey Clubs, and a much-loved sportsman amongst his peers. He was always interested in boats and ships, hence his nickname “The Admiral.”         THE ADMIRAL They said you died with honour,A hero to the end,No man could ever doubt that,If they knew you as a friend.The way you faced adversity,And how you were so brave,When doomed with all the others,To a cold Atlantic grave. The news that rocked us to the bone,Came without a warning,The tragic loss of one of ours,Sent us into mourning.The club you loved so dearly,Had lost a favourite son,Gone to a higher calling,Your life on earth, all done. It was a life of cricket,You joined us as a boy,You made no secret of the fact,You wanted to enjoy.You were the all round player,As good as we had seen,Your heart belonged to Comber,And playing at The Green. No runs or wickets will we use,To tell the world of you,No need to count the victories,Or what you used to do.We won’t waste time with trivia,Of scores against your name,The greatest asset that you had,Was how you played the game. You built the great Titanic,And in it you did perish,It was the final curtainOf the Admiral we still cherish.We’re sure you thought of us that night,In those final hours,Thinking back to happy times,Under chilling stars.  The name of Thomas Andrews (Jun) is renowned the world over as the gallant shipbuilder who went down with his ship when the great Titanic sank in April 1912.  What is not known as widely is the fact that he was a lifelong member of North Down Cricket and Hockey Clubs, and a much-loved sportsman amongst his peers. He was always interested in boats and ships, hence his nickname “The Admiral.”  Clarence Hiles        
im sure you were a verry nice, good man and it wasnt right you died so younge, but everything happens for a reason , and youll never be forgotten! may you rest in peace . <3