TIS Chicago convention May 2006

HI, all,

Wanted to let everyone know that we have details up now on our convention Web page for our Chicago convention May 19-21. Click on "Convention 2006" on our site:


We think Chicago is shaping up to be a fun and educational time with a focus on the Eastland disaster of Chicago and the Great Lakes Titanic connections. Here are a few highlights but there is more on the Web page. Updates will be added as they become available and a registration form is coming soon. If you are a TIS member, you'll get a flier with registration form in the next Voyage which will be coming out soon.

Our day on Saturday, May 20 will include:
* Visit to Rosehill Cemetery to view the graves of Titanic passengers Jean & Ida Hippach and Charles Wilhelms
* Chicago River cruise with a stop at the Eastland disaster site
* Tour of the Center for History's new exhibit on the Eastland in Wheaton, Ill.
* After-dinner presentation by Cris Kohl, author of Titanic, the Great Lakes Connections
*Auction of Titanic and maritime collectibles after Cris's presentation

On Friday evening after the cocktail party/welcome reception, we will have the grandson of one of the Eastland rescue workers give a presentation.

Cost for the convention is $190 and this includes:
* All convention events
* Friday cocktail party and presentation
* All tours, bus transportation and all meals on Saturday, including continental breakfast aboard the cruise, lunch at Gino's East pizza and an elegant buffet dinner at the Holiday Inn

Questions? Contact Dave Shuttle at [email protected] , phone 814-899-5438, or Barb Shuttle at [email protected] , phone 814-873-8087. Please put "TIS convention" in the subject line!

Hope you can make it to the Windy City with us!

Mary Ann Whitley
Oops! Had an error in the item about the cemetery visit in my TIS convention posting ... that should be Charles Williams, not Wilhelms! Sorry about that..... Mary Ann
More info about the Chicago convention is now available on the TIS Web site (site address listed in the first message on this thread). A registration form is now there on the "Convention 2006" home page and on it you will find info on reserving a hotel room, transportation and menus along with the form. Additional details about booking your hotel room are on the Accommodations page under Convention 2006. Are any folks in the Midwest thinking of joining us??/

Mary Ann
Hey, is anyone alive out there? (and anyone planning to come to Chicago???) I know some of our "regulars" will be there, but how about some of you folks that we haven't met out in the Midwest?--here's a chance to spend a weekend with other Titanic and ship fans.--Mary Ann