Titanic 100th anniversary coal real or not?

Hello everyone.
Been reading this forum for years but that's my first post with new account after I lost previous one login details...

Now to my question : P
I'd like to buy this piece of coal from ebay. It claims to be from 2000 salvage and not related to RMS Titanic Inc. Any idea if it's authentic? I've searched quite a bit (also here) before making a new thread but there seems to be so many different sales of coal that I couldn't find an answer for this specific item.


Thanks in advance for any help!
Let me preface this with, "I'm ALWAYS leary of ANYTHING I purchase from the eBay website." Scammers are NOT a rare commodity. But on the flip-side, there are many honest people/dealers who also use eBay. I've sold MANY true collectibles there and I'm sure that I was scrutinized as much as the next guy. You can only go with your gut instinct.

That being said, RMS Titanic, Inc. IS a legitimate company that DOES have legitimate salvage rights to various Titanic antiquities. For example, they have recently been awarded the right to salvage the Marconi device from the ship. It has also been documented that they are part of a larger group that has salvage rights to, amongst other things, coal, for the use in necklaces, vials, display cards, coins, and other such brick-a-brack that can be sold at various museums and exhibits to help support their cause.

The coin you've listed and are considering is only $29.00 USD, chump-change in my opinion. It certainly looks nice and would be a decent item to add to a display/collection (regardless of its actual origins). I wouldn't buy it as an investment but more of a souvenir. As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to get on for MY collection!

Hope my long-winded treatise helped!
I got it already thanks for reply : D

It looks solid but unless I take it to someone who can analyze it I can never be 100% sure. I can post some pics of it tomorrow if you like. My only reason to buy it was just to own something related to the Titanic disaster which is a historical event that has captured my interest for years. Just to see it and say to yourself... Hell when all this historic events happened this was in the ship. Might sound stupid to some but... everyone to his own feelings lol
Everyone else could just throw it in the trash and value it at 0.1cent but I would still keep it : P